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  • Adalbert's guides on ability

    07. 06. 2007 15:41

As all my "formula-posts" have been recently bumped, I was approached to put
them all into one post so it could be stikied... here it is.

These guides contain advanced information. If you are just starting to play the
game please go ahead and read Obst's guides on That
webpage gives you all the information you need to start with. If you have done that
are still curious about some details, go read ahead.

Since it has quite some information, I divided it into several parts, that are posted as
replies by myself.

0) Ability - how they are calculated / base stats
1) BO's Potential - guideline length / marking distance
2) Accuracy - where's the cap, how is it calculated
3) Reload - where's the cap
4) Torpedo - reload cap
5) AAW - chance of shooting down planes at horizontal and vertical distances with
auto fire
6) Repair - Repairrate and Burnrate
7) Restore - SD
8) Engine
. A - General
. B - Overheat time
. C - Base speed
. D - natural overheat speed
. E - overheat speed with crew
9) Aircraft - not yet posted
10) Fighter - not yet posted
11) Bomber - not yet posted
12) Special Sailors
. A - Sonarmen

If you have questions or remarks to any of those posts - please send a PM to me.
Also if you think that you have found a mistake, please contact me directly as it most
probably will just be a misunderstanding and I don't want an obsolete discussion in
this post as it just blows it up and might scare ppl away.
I have not included all "proof" in this post - if you are looking for some numbers how
I came up with the formulas, feel free to look for my old posts from between 2005
and now,
and you will find more information in there.

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    12. 03. 2009 08:20

It does have its place very well established among many navyfield players. Referenced often.

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    12. 02. 2009 22:40

Who de-stickied unofficial NF manual? No guide ever will compare to this single most
helpful piece of knowlege. Just give us a name of the newbie mod who did this.

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    12. 01. 2009 11:12

I got a question about planesman and sonarman. Is it better to keep them as 2nd
sonarman/2nd planesman so they get better repair/restore abilities? I did some searching
and reading and it seems like there are two camps of thought. One side says planesman and
sonar are uncapped so it's better to class them on time. The other opinion is there are
caps and one is easily reachable(sonar) so it's better to delay promotion since the sailor
only get +1 on potential while losing much on repair/restore.

So that's the question to all you sub gurus. How do you promote your sailors and what are
the difference?

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    11. 30. 2009 00:15

Nice, Guide allot people seems to be happy:)

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    11. 29. 2009 18:13

please re-sticky this!


  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    11. 27. 2009 04:37

This got de-stickied???

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    11. 17. 2009 09:50

Can this be/ or is it. Updated for new ability caps?

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    11. 03. 2009 06:37

really nice there mate... verry helpful to me... thx for the post hope to see more.

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    10. 30. 2009 00:10

Thanks for the guide!It's the best I've sow ever for NF!
but little difficult for no-perfect-english

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    10. 15. 2009 21:08


The planes alone do have offensive and defensive stat already.
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