HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • What happened to ''SDE responses'' threads?

    03. 21. 2012 23:58


It's been over a month since the last one, i thought we were going to have some decent comunication and updates now that there is an employee just for that. Is SDE going back to their usual way of handling issues? ie: keep the player base in the darkness, avoid any kind of discussion and so on...


Currently there are a few very interesting questions being asked on the last few pages of the old thread but i bet they stopped reading it after about page 2 so i will report them here in case they notice this thread while they check the forums within the next two weeks.


"-Why the game developing/testing/finishing isnt done internally.

-Why is the test server work load so heavy?

-Why are new projects being taken on before current ones reach completion?

Who does the ship balancing for SDE internally? He should be fired.
Who does the ship sprites for SDE internally? He should be fired. "


Edit: this is not a rant so dont use that excuse if you are planning to lock this.


  • Re : What happened to ''SDE responses'' threads?

    03. 31. 2012 00:42


Originally Posted by MaskdBandit

Originally Posted by tappo01

Originally Posted by MaskdBandit

Fox, fallen, thank you for having a level head. Tappo you disappoint me. 

I am disgusted by so many of my fellow players. It's like you're pissed at a stripper for giving you a lapdance, then running off to someone else. This is a business. Not your babysitter, though for some of you you'd think it is. Ask yourself when the last time you said "good job SDE, I like the way this played out". If you can't think of one, then WHY ARE YOU PLAYING THIS GAME?...    -_- 

 I appreciate Randy's work especially. He seems to understand our frusterations, even if most often it's just the raving complaints of how children feel betrayed. I cannot slander anyone for spending time with their family, and if you can because your life can't wait the extra week for a game to get more PR face time, seriously sit back and rethink your personal values in life. 

In a perfect world, SDE would have a dozen GMs, consant PR and responses, a 1-800 hotline for your ability to whine to someone in person, a primetime TV special, etc. But this is a sprite based game that originated on the other side of the planet (from much of this forums' client base). Only so much magic can happen at a time. Crossed with competing markets for other games leads to minimum costs for minimum risk. Accept it or play something else. 

Believe it or not, SDE doesn't jerk you around for kicks and giggles, so stop acting like they do. 

Man, what game are you playing? Obviously you arent playing Navyfield. I dont know how long you have been here but some of the older players that are still around today have seen big, huge, epic, colossal, GIANT FAILURES coming from SDE (300 SD, SSs, PBBs just to name a few), i think i have every right to be pissed.


If we want to see any kind of improvement we must not tolerate any of the BS that is going on at the moment, you nor anyone else should not find excuses for them.


You say SDE should not be baby-sitting me - to me it looks like the player base has to costantly baby sit SDE because otherwise they would be failing over and over. Just take a look at the Test Server forum: is there any other game out there where the players have to balance the game because the people running it have absolutely no idea how it works?

Take a look at the player-run fleet events because TNF/SDE doesnt care. Take a look at at the Community Manager which only exists because the players were raging about costant lack of comunication. Take a look at the Facebook/Tweeter page and advertisements which only exists because the players suggested/asked for it.


You ask why i am playing the game - I like this game and have been playing it for many years now and it is really sad to see incompetent people ruining it over and over again.


Sweet chickenballs on a rainbow-sprinkled yacht, tappo. If you've been this pissed for so long, you know where the door is, and I can't imagine how you're so inane to not use it. I wasn't aware SDE came to your house, violated your face, salted your gardens and you built up stockholm syndrome, unable to control your own actions in regards to a game. 


How do you honestly go from "they don't listen to us" to, "they only did it cuz we asked them for it"??? o.O

Believe it or not, your "EXTREME REATION IS THE ONLY REACTION FOR GETTING THINGS DONE!!1!1" doesn't make SDE respect your opinion. This is where you come off as a needy child again, because you can't respectfully give them a thought and opinion worth listening to. You just sound like any of the other people who chronically whine, no matter how valid your point might be.  

And it's not that SDE doesn't know how it works, it's that the test servers are part of how this game exists. Like I said: perfect world, dozen GMs, 1-800 hotline...  

As for the fleet events, regardless of regulated Fleet Wars as it is which will be a more definite thing in this game in the coming months (and don't even start whining about "well why didn't it happen sooner?" and I won't ask you why we haven't cured cancer yet), but why would you expect TNF or SDE to have anything to do with Fleet-Based-Events?? 

My god, my fellow players' lack of self awareness makes me want to stroke out, so I can experience such low levels of brain function where all of your ravings, complaints and "obvious solutions" can suddenly enlighten me. 

You obviously dont get it. People like you are exactly the reason why SDE keeps screwing up the player base.


PS: oh and please, dont reply.

  • Re : What happened to ''SDE responses'' threads?

    03. 31. 2012 03:06


Originally Posted by MaskdBandit


Sweet chickenballs on a rainbow-sprinkled yacht, tappo. If you've been this pissed for so long, you know where the door is, and I can't imagine how you're so inane to not use it. I wasn't aware SDE came to your house, violated your face, salted your gardens and you built up stockholm syndrome, unable to control your own actions in regards to a game. 


How do you honestly go from "they don't listen to us" to, "they only did it cuz we asked them for it"??? o.O

Believe it or not, your "EXTREME REATION IS THE ONLY REACTION FOR GETTING THINGS DONE!!1!1" doesn't make SDE respect your opinion. This is where you come off as a needy child again, because you can't respectfully give them a thought and opinion worth listening to. You just sound like any of the other people who chronically whine, no matter how valid your point might be.  

And it's not that SDE doesn't know how it works, it's that the test servers are part of how this game exists. Like I said: perfect world, dozen GMs, 1-800 hotline...  

As for the fleet events, regardless of regulated Fleet Wars as it is which will be a more definite thing in this game in the coming months (and don't even start whining about "well why didn't it happen sooner?" and I won't ask you why we haven't cured cancer yet), but why would you expect TNF or SDE to have anything to do with Fleet-Based-Events?? 

My god, my fellow players' lack of self awareness makes me want to stroke out, so I can experience such low levels of brain function where all of your ravings, complaints and "obvious solutions" can suddenly enlighten me. 

Maybe you would have had a point had it been like this for, say, 6 months to a year. But its been like this for years.

Its sad when a member of the community can confidently say that he has done more for the game than the majority of SDE.

Ran more fleet events. Done more successful game balance. Helped more of the community. Helped push SDE to appoint a community manager.

Tell me the last time you saw a GM ingame. Tell me the last time you saw a GM post on before this community manager push? Tell me the last time SDE ran a fleet event on Nebraska? Tell me the last time SDE released content that was well balanced? Tell me the last patch that was good regarding game balance?

Just because this is a game, doesn't mean SDE shouldn't run it well. Having a Single US based GM is terrible. We have no idea how many Dev's there actually are, but they admit they are a small company. They don't have any game balance expert in employment whose job is dedicated to it. They release copy pasted sprites. And they heavily rely upon player volunteer organisations (TNF, ONF, BNF etc).

Now, do I think SDE wants to improve things and aren't doing this intentionally just to save $$$? I'm not sure. I do believe our GM's (Randy, DarkGM, Zitrone, Soblue, Karma) have the best intentions for NFNA at heart. But the issue is that NFNA is underfunded and undersupported imo. I hope I am wrong.

Just look at games like Eve Online (CCP Games). They are far from perfect and sure they have far more in the way of revenue. But look at the interaction with the community. Look at the recent push towards bug fixes and existing content. Look at how they listen to the community (CSM). 


Just because this is a game, doesn't mean it shouldn't be run right.

  • Re : What happened to ''SDE responses'' threads?

    03. 31. 2012 21:33


Originally Posted by ciscodelorum

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Broken Promises, as always.

We were told the GM's would post more often.

We were told there would be weekly boost up events for different rooms.

We were told there would be the proper effort put into the balance.

We were told that we would be listened to.


We had two weeks of decent communication, like pretty much every other game has out there. Then its back to the usual SDE.

If the workload is too much for the single US GM that we have, then hire more GM's. Its not like you can't afford it... 

In Economics, it is often assumed that companies try to maximise profits. However, that assumption would be wrong with SDE. It is to minimise effort. 

I'm starting to think SDE is made up of 4-5 koreans in some random basement.

I think it is... At least that is where the evidence points to.

  • Re : What happened to ''SDE responses'' threads?

    04. 30. 2012 08:06


Time to bump this.

It has been a month since the last one - last month's excuse was "family trip", taking bets for this month's.

A few questions

- why does it take so long to update the test server? People figure out numbers FOR YOU in a matter of days, yet it takes months to get anything done.

- update on the new Harbor Assault game mode for all players

- update on the patch for windows 7

- update on the crash issue, it would be nice if SDE could at least acknowledge they * up big time

- we are still waiting for a wider range of game modes other than GB

- we are still waiting for select mode rooms to have same % exp as GB


Please dont reply "we will ask the devs about that" and then never report back. You ask them FIRST and THEN post...


*edit to remove profanity. cambsguy*

  • Re : What happened to ''SDE responses'' threads?

    04. 30. 2012 11:46


Originally Posted by MaskdBandit




I have to disagree here. This is a business in game form. This is a buisness, the product they sell is a game.  There are consumer protection laws and an FTC for a reason.

  • Re : What happened to ''SDE responses'' threads?

    04. 30. 2012 13:02



Originally Posted by tappo01


You obviously dont get it. People like you are exactly the reason why SDE keeps **** up the player base.

You sound so stupid that im starting to believe you might be somewhat related to SDE.


PS: oh and please, dont reply.

Right tappo! Right. Thank you for elaborating!  Thank you for describing any sort of point. Thank you for sounding like anything other than a disgruntled and spoiled child. Thank you for childishly trying to "close the door" on an otherwise reasonable debate by saying "don't respond". Thank you for doing nothing but pointing fingers and blaming. Don't like something? Do something positive. Anything positive. I know your mind's only mode of thought it to point at fires rather than put them out, but for the love of bacon do something constructive that doesn't include an anarchists goal of burning down your problems. 
Thank you for whatever the flying hell "People like you are why SDE is #^@&ing up the player base" means. What the catcrap can that possibly mean or refer to? How can that sentence be applied to anything on topic? How do you find such self-righteousness when you can't even elaborate? "Why" they fuck up the player base? The hell does that mean? If you can take the time to answer something with more than 3 lines of "lol ur dumn gtfo noob", please do. It would be a nice change :). PS: Your cliche' use of "ps:" was elementary-school adorable as well. And to say that   I   sound so stupid... Sigh. 

But enough responding to someone not worthy of their own thread. 
LJ, I neither agree nor disagree with you about the "been like this for years" part. I've been been a part of this game for a bit less than two years now between accounts, and (part) of its community for roughly half that time. The only way I can disagree with you, that this game should in fact have a more elaborate connection with its fanbase (especially compared to EVE, a great example you made. it's one of the reasons Blizzard is so huge as well) is that sadly, I've come to expect sheer crap from the owners on the other side of the planet. 

FalleNStaRwhile it is a business, that aspect is different from the game. Their legal obligations are short to say the least because, well, aside from being a "naval warfare MMO", this game doesn't promise much, and therefore no one can legally expect anything really. When I said it's a game I mostly stated that because people act like they're owed personal involvement by the mods, and that if the mods/SDE/etc what to have dick all to do with us and want players to be less inclined to spend their time and money on this game, then that's their call. My point was that at this point if people are somehow shocked with the laziness of SDE, then they need to breathe slowling into a big paper bag for a second and get their heads back on straight. 

  • Re : What happened to ''SDE responses'' threads?

    04. 30. 2012 13:22


Allow me to sum it up like this:
Basically it's easier for SDE to just let mediocre profits trickle in without risk or responsibility. 

I'd also like to say that even though I've disagreed with lj on many issues, he's ultimately a shining example of a constructive member of this games community. I too dream of a day when SDE gives two squirts about what their players want on a personal level. However, based on what I know of the business model and MO, I merely don't expect much. If we could organize ourselves as a community that can give them an incentive (more easy money, blackmail, whatever) then we'll see For the meantime, when people *cough tappo cough* are only willing to whine and moan as if SDE has sworn a personal obligation to care about their feelings,  then of course I don't expect them to do anything because of a few little crying fits and tantrums. And they haven't (as far as we can tell. I'd sooner credit the change in website, addition of Randy etc over past months as the result of the competing market, rather than a few players crying about things like balancing issues or activities). If you were SDE, would you rather have construction from the community and work with that, or rather put up with a bunch of spoiled brat comments that you know you can't satisfy with what you're capable of doing? Do these people think the owners of SDE ever even read their comments? Cuz you all act like they do.

I'll say it again; if all of your comments on these forums consist of complaints without constructive criticism or a single response of "this is/was a good idea. I approve." then go throw sand around in some other sandbox. You are not helping. You are not a member of this community, you are just people who like to &!^# and moan on a regular basis. Please learn the difference if it isn't immediately apparent.

I mean hey, they're "dealing" with the Kaiser problems at this predicted rate as it is. Otherwise they'd have done something massive and original or just gone with a new server and done a merge (or you know, whatever). Neither of those solutions fits into their current model of "cruise control for easy profits with little risk".

  • Re : What happened to ''SDE responses'' threads?

    05. 01. 2012 03:28


Your all delusional if you think the appointment of a 'Community Manager' would change anything.

It's just somebody else who TNF can deflect questions to. 

  • Re : What happened to ''SDE responses'' threads?

    05. 01. 2012 13:57


They just needed another yuno.

  • Re : What happened to ''SDE responses'' threads?

    05. 01. 2012 14:00


Originally Posted by Sindher

Your all delusional if you think the appointment of a 'Community Manager' would change anything.

It's just somebody else who TNF can deflect questions to. 

Cause so many people even bother asking them anymore...

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