HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Just how are you suppose to fight them subs?

    05. 18. 2012 09:05


... returning after a loong break from this game most seems to be as they where when I left but one thing strikes me... how am I as a BB suppose to fight subs in the game?

For some reason it seems I have to give up a support slot for a sonar man and being KM support slots are rare - but have i missed something or is it a fact I have to chose between AA or Anti-sub weapons?

Shouldnt it be possible to have your AA guns/gunners use some HedgeHogs or what?


And please - I know its a team thing - but seriously... be serious. ;)


  • Re : Just how are you suppose to fight them subs?

    05. 20. 2012 15:02


Thank you for all the replies. Lots of reading and yes I used the wrong HH guns at first (7 instead of 5).

I know I can avoid the subs (or try to) but my main issue here was if there where any way to attack/defend myself with my BB without dropping my AA ability.

I would hope NF will make it possible to carry anti-sub ammo on the second AA slot. That could also solve the problem that many BBs dont carry AA. 

Tanks for all the tips and remakrs.


Cyaz in battle.

  • Re : Just how are you suppose to fight them subs?

    05. 20. 2012 23:41


It is a really hard task to sink an ss alone even using ASW ships, the sonar sight range is very limited, and  it only takes one proxy torp to sink a dd for ss, and you have to hit a high level ss with maybe more than 10 shots of normal HH, not to mention they can crit dive and they reload faster than you when you dont have a good gunner!!! They can even withstand a shot from BB5 without badly harmed when surfaced. Without an ASW team a high level ss can destroy all BBs on one side with ease.

  • Re : Just how are you suppose to fight them subs?

    05. 21. 2012 05:15


we need a solution to the ss problem...a final solution.

Invite all the subs to iceberg event...offer credits and olives...the subs will frolick in thier playfull ways......then.... the BB's round up all the happy, go-lucky subs behind a wall of icebergs, suddely, all BB open fire on the subs, and finish off the sub menace for once and all !!.

  • Re : Just how are you suppose to fight them subs?

    05. 21. 2012 07:20


Originally Posted by woodskier

we need a solution to the ss problem...a final solution.

Invite all the subs to iceberg event...offer credits and olives...the subs will frolick in thier playfull ways......then.... the BB's round up all the happy, go-lucky subs behind a wall of icebergs, suddely, all BB open fire on the subs, and finish off the sub menace for once and all !!.


Only works on St. Valentine's day though and only if wearing fake TNF tags ;D

  • Re : Just how are you suppose to fight them subs?

    05. 23. 2012 16:35


The St. Valentines sub event ?

  • Re : Just how are you suppose to fight them subs?

    05. 23. 2012 16:50


I welcome a sub nerf as soon as they nerf the HHs

  • Re : Just how are you suppose to fight them subs?

    05. 26. 2012 00:09


Be happy there are only a few subs around now. Half a year ago shortly after the new sub patch there usually were 10 subs per game. Now that sucked!


I wouldn't drop AA for HH to be honest. Most of the time there is someone with HH around you, who can deal with subs. The only thing you need to learn is situational awareness, so that you don't end up being an easy target for subs. You can actually avoid subs rather easily if you pay attention. And if a sub gets in attack range without you noticing, well, shit happens.

  • Re : Just how are you suppose to fight them subs?

    05. 27. 2012 03:01


Back when i use to be a BB (Kaiser Server) i would just arm myself light with armour and whenever i saw one nearby i would just call it out and hope a DD or CL would come to my aid lol.. But alot of times i would use HH because im completely horrible with AA

Edit: I would also disagree with your AA guns being able to use HH, would make it extremely unfair for the subs, pretty much making them useless

  • Re : Just how are you suppose to fight them subs?

    05. 27. 2012 17:07


As Dingy stated, most players dont have situational awareness so put themselves in a subs path of destruction.  I have sent team messages only to see a CV or BB drive right into the enemy subs path.


I have a HH ship, it does well against subs from a distance, cuts down their fun.  However I also have a few ss and love playing them so I know how to counter each type.  Getting another ss player to dedicate his game to fight another ss is one of the best things you can do.

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