HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Internet Bullying has to stop

    06. 09. 2012 09:22


according to the tos of this game

you are not to threaten, bully, or harrass any player

stop the bullying


Section 3b(i) Transmit or post sexually explicit images or other content or language which in
the sole discretion of SD EnterNet is deemed to be offensive; nor shall you transmit
any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene,
hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content or language, nor
may you use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent the content and
language restrictions listed above
Forum rules

1. Abuse and disrespectful behaviour are not tolerated.
The purpose of the forum is to provide a friendly environment for interaction between
Navyfield players. Occasionally, conflicts may arise when people voice opinions and
thoughts. Be courteous when disagreeing with others. Debating an opinion is appropriate,
however getting personal over a topic is not allowed. "Getting personal" can be construed
as flaming, trolling, harassing, profanity, abusive language or abbreviations, personal
attacks, racial, religious, ethnic, sexual slurs, or similar behaviour/language. This
applies to both "public" threads and private messages.

- Flaming is defined as posts which are designed to personally berate or insult another,
and is not permitted.
- No forms of trolling are permitted. Trolling is defined as deliberately posting
derogatory, inflammatory comments/threads in order to bait other users into responding.
Accusing someone of being a troll is also a form of trolling

updated with rules for you....which applies to you?..think hard boys

you all agreed to these rules


  • Re : Internet Bullying has to stop

    06. 09. 2012 12:00


Welcome to the internet...


We can always do like Korea here in the US and assign everyone an ID number completely removing one's ability to remain anon. LoL

  • Re : Internet Bullying has to stop

    06. 09. 2012 12:03


NERF everything and play in nf new age, canoes!!!

  • Re : Internet Bullying has to stop

    06. 09. 2012 12:40


 Being a sub player and proud to be one, let me say it's not as easy as it looks. There'smany parts of a subs game, you need to worry about HH, DC's and lack of air. A good sub player will scout for his team, and take out AA ships so his team can have sight, clear out any other sub in the way. Unless a sub has 900 sd it's no way overpowered, you get hit by a volley of PHH your done for plain and simple.  The way I see it limit the use of them, by being only able use them on lower tier ships i.e. CL and lower. Plus limit to T slots only like DC's and torps, I feel using them on main guns is just insane.

Now if you want to talk about bullying, why do BB 5and6's sit back, and just pick off any small ship trying to grind. I see many new players that just start out trying to getting involved and don't stand a chance. So many times they will shoot at a small ship instead of hitting a real target next to them, then get wasted by the ship they should be focusing on. Just to prove you have the biggest guns, let the small ships fight each other in events like this. 

Then there's the good old CV bullying, maybe the hardest ship line to play in this game. So many players whining, and complaining that they can't see. Calling CV players every name in the book, if your a low level CV driver can be the most painful part of the game.and they give up. Unless you have a CV 5or6, you get wasted by a skilled AA player, and high level good players. If your team as a CV 1or2 on your team give them a little credit for even trying, better let scout for yourself.

Just for the record I have many BO's on each line so before anybody say's I'm one sided, people pick what ship suites them. I guess what I'm trying to say is all ships have goods and bad points, but calling that person names isn't.  

  • Re : Internet Bullying has to stop

    06. 09. 2012 12:40


Originally Posted by tappo01

"Seriously, if you take internet harassing that seriously you should consider not getting on the internet ever again."

seriously,if you dont take internet harassing that seriously you should consider not getting on the internet ever again because one day you will be the bullied and no one will stop it

bullying is serious no matter where u are.. in real life or on the net... notice on the news lately about the no bully campaign?

look how it has affected our game

we are to have fun with our game there is no reason to bully any game, in any sport, at work, in school

  • Re : Internet Bullying has to stop

    06. 09. 2012 12:43


Originally Posted by dingy

Originally Posted by tappo01

"Seriously, if you take internet harassing that seriously you should consider not getting on the internet ever again."

seriously,if you dont take internet harassing that seriously you should consider not getting on the internet ever again because one day you will be the bullied and no one will stop it

bullying is serious no matter where u are.. in real life or on the net... notice on the news lately about the no bully campaign?

look how it has affected our game

Bullys are an important part of childhood. If you dont learn to stand up to yourself when you are younger you never will and you get more and more people that are just...

Well I should stop here before I offend anyone. I think you guys get my point.

  • Re : Internet Bullying has to stop

    06. 09. 2012 12:50


Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Originally Posted by dingy

Originally Posted by tappo01

"Seriously, if you take internet harassing that seriously you should consider not getting on the internet ever again."

seriously,if you dont take internet harassing that seriously you should consider not getting on the internet ever again because one day you will be the bullied and no one will stop it

bullying is serious no matter where u are.. in real life or on the net... notice on the news lately about the no bully campaign?

look how it has affected our game

Bullys are an important part of childhood. If you dont learn to stand up to yourself when you are younger you never will and you get more and more people that are just...

Well I should stop here before I offend anyone. I think you guys get my point.

yes i see your point...let the bullying continue...obvisouly it made you a better man... or are you the bully?

  • Re : Internet Bullying has to stop

    06. 09. 2012 12:54


"Seriously, if you take internet harassing that seriously you should consider not getting on the internet ever again."


hahahahahahah, so true. people who suck in navyfield need to be harassed in order for them to change their game play so they dont ruin it for their team.  Often times people criticize other peoples gameplay, they take  this as harassment and a threat.


suck it up sunshine, this isnt grade 2 when someone stole your crayons. oh wait your reacting like it is.



  • Re : Internet Bullying has to stop

    06. 09. 2012 12:56


Originally Posted by dingy

yes i see your point...let the bullying continue...obvisouly it made you a better man... or are you the bully?

No I wasnt a bully, I learned to stand up for myself though.

  • Re : Internet Bullying has to stop

    06. 09. 2012 12:59


Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Originally Posted by dingy

yes i see your point...let the bullying continue...obvisouly it made you a better man... or are you the bully?

No I wasnt a bully, I learned to stand up for myself though.

me too and i also learned to fight for others

and these people still bully me im standing up for myself as well.. but im getting fed up with it...everyday ...every game... i mind my own ship...why cant they?

  • Re : Internet Bullying has to stop

    06. 09. 2012 13:06


Originally Posted by dingy

Originally Posted by tappo01

"Seriously, if you take internet harassing that seriously you should consider not getting on the internet ever again."

seriously,if you dont take internet harassing that seriously you should consider not getting on the internet ever again because one day you will be the bullied and no one will stop it

bullying is serious no matter where u are.. in real life or on the net... notice on the news lately about the no bully campaign?

look how it has affected our game

we are to have fun with our game there is no reason to bully any game, in any sport, at work, in school

I dont support bullying but some people seem to take things WAY too seriously. I mean, a guy above even proposed to have the word "noob" filtered out, you got to be kidding me.

Its one thing to costantly harass someone at every chance you get, its another thing to say someone sucks when in fact he does.

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