HA Infomation



  • Bismarck or O Pro 2 what do yall think?

    07. 07. 2011 07:15

I have bismarck currently but i might get a ship tree reset to get the O Pro2


  • Re : Bismarck or O Pro 2 what do yall think?

    07. 07. 2011 09:01

O2 is in my mind even more OP than bissy. 44 knot, 1 more barrel, and quite sturdy. Awesome GB ship and do extremely well in BB1-3 as well.

Totally worth it and allows you to get gunners and support ahead as well. Especially since O2 got BB4 support slot ( or UK BB3 support slot)

  • Re : Bismarck or O Pro 2 what do yall think?

    07. 07. 2011 13:13

great BB but u need good gunners if u want use it for rush (only front guns)

  • Re : Bismarck or O Pro 2 what do yall think?

    07. 07. 2011 13:53

Originally Posted by guicifer2
great BB but u need good gunners if u want use it for rush (only front guns)

There is not really a reason to remove a turret on the O2. The speed is fast with all turrets, and particularly for rushing being able to turn slightly to sling the rear turret is useful. Most 2 turret Os you will see are AW'd OPro 1s.

  • Re : Bismarck or O Pro 2 what do yall think?

    07. 07. 2011 14:26

when playing the bizmark, its like "what CAN i attack now"
when your playing the O-pro 2 its like "what SHOULD i attack now"

the o-pro 2 has 1 more support than the bizmark
it also has better aa
1 more barrel
more damage
is faster
is tougher
not as fat
its basically the best bb3 in game

the 0pro 2 line also has the P-project which is 1 of if not the best aa ship.

i would stay with the bizmark if you want to specialize in the h39 style gameplay, otherwise definetly go for the opro2 if you want a different type of playstyle to your h39. I find i never used my bizmark after i got h39, but i still use the opro2

  • Re : Bismarck or O Pro 2 what do yall think?

    07. 07. 2011 16:12

Originally Posted by Blazer4show
Originally Posted by guicifer2
great BB but u need good gunners if u want use it for rush (only front guns)

There is not really a reason to remove a turret on the O2. The speed is fast with all turrets, and particularly for rushing being able to turn slightly to sling the rear turret is useful. Most 2 turret Os you will see are AW'd OPro 1s.

As he said, you only gain 1 knot by trading 1/3rd of your firepower.

You DO however get this option of front gun rush!!!! Its called the "Z" key and is conveniantly included in your keyboard!!

  • Re : Bismarck or O Pro 2 what do yall think?

    07. 07. 2011 21:55

I actually used my BO reset from the event to change from Bismark to O2 for some more variety to help with the grind.

Good Decision.

I never got a 100k game in my Bissy, my second game with the O2 i got one. I wouldn't say they O2 is Over Powered, but it is definitely a good ship. Accuracy is a problem with this ship at level, like the Bissy and any KM ship for that matter. I believe other nation BB3's (Sodak/POW) can deal out more damage per salvo, but I'm just going by what i have seen. The Bissy has more range and you will notice that in the O2, but the speed, slimness, support slot, and single cannon advantages of the O2 completely outweigh it in my opinion

  • Re : Bismarck or O Pro 2 what do yall think?

    07. 08. 2011 08:40

to be honest i prefer the bismarck to the regular opro2 when the bismarck does 42 knts and has alot of oh quite fun

  • Re : Bismarck or O Pro 2 what do yall think?

    07. 08. 2011 12:13

Originally Posted by Thebarrel
to be honest i prefer the bismarck to the regular opro2 when the bismarck does 42 knts and has alot of oh quite fun

When the Bismarck does 42 your same crew +1 does 44. I prefer Opro myself but Bismarck has its pluses as well, mainly having a super tight spread. If you're going to buy a BO reset for this I would say its not worth it. if you got one from the events then its not a bad choice. Maybe if you have a friend or fleetmate with one you can try it out before you make your decision.

  • Re : Bismarck or O Pro 2 what do yall think?

    07. 08. 2011 21:28

I liked bismarck more than opro2 because of the gun placement and accuracy.

I know some will disagree with me, but from my experience bismarck's dual 15" have much more accuracy than o2's triples.

Though it is so damn nice to have an extra support slot and better aa placement with O2. And you can rush much more easily with O2....

yeah take O2.

  • Re : Bismarck or O Pro 2 what do yall think?

    07. 09. 2011 07:49


Can only post the links sadly. However, there are reasons to use the O Project II.

The Bismarck is better in a BB3 room but how many of those do you see?

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