HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Weird Pictures

    06. 25. 2012 17:17


Explain the picture. Oh and its even more weird that I had just logged on...Didn't even reach shipyard. lol  figure i'll post it cause i've never seen it before.


  • Re : Weird Pictures

    06. 25. 2012 17:34


I'v had that happen to me 5 or 6 times now. It seems to happen to me when i lose connection while at the battle screen for me. 

  • Re : Weird Pictures

    06. 25. 2012 20:09


yep always happen every dc.. its a bug, try closing the game and restarting it

  • Re : Weird Pictures

    06. 26. 2012 10:14


yep, this may happen after a dc when the client displays an incorrect screen. However, it's only a display issue and you may not have to restart the whole game to continue...
Try this first:
1. Select a shipyard where you have some ships (screen will just flash and nothing else)
2. Press the Battle button next to the Shipyard one
3. You can now continue playing as normal - everything will start to work again (you can join a battle or go to any shipyard or whatever you feel like and it will work)

Note: In step1 in your selected shipyard, the first ship in the order must able to clear the port (have BO), else this will not work and afaik you cannot switch ships while in the bug.

Hope this helps :P

  • Re : Weird Pictures

    06. 29. 2012 08:35


few time and me this