HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Hedgehog Ripoff

    06. 30. 2012 19:20


So why doesn't the menu tell you that you have to buy Hedgehog ammo as a premium item before you drop 5000 credits a piece on them? You can't see ammo until after you have bought the gun so you pretty much waste the credits unless you have enough olives to buy ammo and you have to buy olives to have enough. Wish there was at least some fine print that I could have missed that stated that. Or am I crazy. lol


  • Re : Hedgehog Ripoff

    06. 30. 2012 19:40


Is it that hard to sell the gun?

  • Re : Hedgehog Ripoff

    06. 30. 2012 21:01


Originally Posted by mako089

Is it that hard to sell the gun?

x5 is regular hh, x7 is phh

  • Re : Hedgehog Ripoff

    06. 30. 2012 21:18


Originally Posted by waterstorm

Originally Posted by mako089

Is it that hard to sell the gun?

x5 is regular hh, x7 is phh


I don't get what you are trying to say.  The loss is what?  100 credits per gun.  Not that big of a deal.

  • Re : Hedgehog Ripoff

    07. 01. 2012 05:39


Also, you have to watch if there is enough space for ammo once you buy a gun.  Even though a particular gun may be available to your gunner that dosen't mean it will automatically fit on the ship.  Get in the habit of installing one gun and testing it out.  You will limit mistakes if you do that.  Remember that you CANNOT sell any original sailor when you opened your account.  They are the ones with YELLOW tags.