HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Just my opinion

    07. 05. 2012 00:21


Can we not rage at my opinions please, just my personality of criticism.




1)  The major lack of players in NF

~Im trying to enjoy the game as a SS but in Kaiser, how can I? You have a severe lack of players in that server. So KarmaGM told me in response to asking on advertising and trying to get more players in, this person told me " There will be no problem leveling up sailors since Kaiser gets 50% more EXP." That may be true, but the 50% ovisiously isnt helping when i can't even kill anyone in a SS1 because there so slow and have terrible air capacity. I would love to go into an Atlanta and go into a blitz to train the BO and crew, problem is there are no Blitz games going on. If i go into a GB in an Atlanta i would just crap xp because the BBs would just destroy me within a couple of minutes. Also training in an SS1 still gets you less than 1k xp when ur unable to even make it half way into the battlefield without getting bombarded by BBs. This is what i try to do, make it into the middle of battlefield, and when i start getting attacked i would dive, problem there is that i can only go an extra 1/5 of the 1/2 mark in the SS1 and when i have to surface, BAM, i get shot at and unable to get any kills or damage to ships. I curently have memory issues right now from a surgery, so i might be missing some criticism


2) The terrible connection the server has.


~Seriously when was the last time you guys replaced your servers? I join a GB and right in the first 30 sec of a game of 40-50 i see 4-8 people disconnect. You guys have been around for what? 7 years now and you guys are unable to hold 1000 people in the entire game itself? I know it's problably difficult but come on? look at runescape and darkoribbt, and many others, they have millions of people playing and theres rarely conencrion issues, then again they make a crap load of money, but you guys make money to. WTH do you spend it on?


3) Seriously ur still in version 1?


~Inless NF 2 is supposed to be the 2nd version or something i don't get how i just recently came back from a 3-4 year quit and i see barely any changes, sure i see some, like the new nations and gun fixes, etc.


4) Quality of playing


One world, terrible. The lack of players really impose on this. The connection problems. Green gun shells, im confused when do ships fire green shells. I have more reasons, but i got a migraine headache... 


5) Can't change username or change server?

~Wow, really, thats just dumb, you guys obviously have a database with every username. Have you guys though of this ever? Have a username to log in, but wait how about have it where they have a Nickname, so they could request a new nickname, like mine for instant, i made this account 4-5 years ago and i regret to this day using the username boohoo208, I would love to change it but saidly i cant.

~Really you can't change servers? You guys were able to restore most of my stuffonto this account after it was just sitting there afk for 3-4 years. why would it be so difficult to transfer the data of the account to another server? I absolutely Kaiser server, theres barely anyone playing it and i can never play an blitz games.


6) Contact Support


Why do it though your website? why not do it through email. I really hate it when i ask a question and they answer back, but then then close it cause me to having to create another ticket to respond to their answer.


7) Langauge filter


~Why the living hell are you guys so fricken strict with language? I swear to god if its because of kids playing they game, you guys are morons, no affense. You have a large amount of kid mmo games and there language filter isnt and where nearly this strict. Like i cant even say $crew ($= s) when i want to say something like this "oh man i'm $crewed" or "$crew this, im done" (normally i want to say this when im about to die, lol). Also seriously you block w.t.f but not w.t.h? techincally those both can mean anything that starts with those letters.


8) Advertisement


~Start advertising more, seriously. You need to get more players into your game. Its a really fun game to play, but its utterly terrible when u jsut start oout and your in a DD1 trying to level up, when, oh wait theres no blitz games going on, so then this person has to go into a GB and just get killed by BBs, mainly. Inless they just run away, all they can do is die or run. Whats the fun in a game when you cant even get a chance to destroy something? But before you start advertising more, update your hardware.






  • Re : Just my opinion

    07. 05. 2012 00:26


Too much truth in this thread, lock is on the way.

  • Re : Just my opinion

    07. 05. 2012 00:28


Originally Posted by tappo01

Too much truth in this thread, lock is on the way.


Another problem to add to the list, lol. Way to much locking.


There just opinions, idc if it gets locked. but if it gets locked jsut because i said what i said in this reply, then thats just abuse of power.

  • Re : Just my opinion

    07. 05. 2012 00:32


Also if they have a problem with my opinions then they should do something about the problems, instead of just locking a thread because it might expose truth to the very low population of navyfield.


I wish it was better made, i do really love playing navyfield.

  • Re : Just my opinion

    07. 05. 2012 01:51


I too have recently come back from a 3 year break due to RL issues. But i have to disagree with only one point you made....Nothing new, all the same.  While the principle of gameplay is the same, they have introduced new nations, ships, guns, subs, T5 scouts, new CV planes, and a few more.  One thing is that yes this may be a MMO game, but it has neither the money or resources required to constantly be up to par with other titles. NavyField is a game that is unique, as I have yet to really find a WW2 Open Sea warfare game like it. It does have its flaws, but it is still enjoyable, so much in fact that it seems everyone always comes back.  Not every single person, but most.  

Yes, there needs to be more DIRECT and TARGETED advertisement. Thats a given. Also, while the addition of new content is a breath of fresh air to a already stagnant game, albeit fun game, there needs to be more focus on the problems that have plagued this game for quite some time. Harbor Assaults, New Harbors, LAG ISSUES(SDE/TNF ssay this is your computers fault which is true in some cases, but more than likely not), and TNF Mods getting more event rooms/wars being orchestrated. I remember when there was at least something going on everyday. Now Im not saying that the TNF members arent busy doing something or another, but it seems like now they are just like a regular player. They log on, grind their crews, and thats that.  

It ismy opinion that also coincides with yours boohoo, that it is rediculous that a name cant be changed, or a server relocation is not possible, considering if this decline in NF players continue, instead of having one server sparsley populated, SDE will end up with two empty servers with slow leveling because games are taking too long to start. The fact of the matter is that Nebraska is a higher poulated server, and therefore most new players(friends of already exsisting players) will choose the server with their friends before even considering the boosted EXP/CREDS/PNTS in the Kaiser server. After all, who really wants to play alone when they can be with gaming buddies.

As for NF2, I forsee a potential fall on the face when and IF its ever actually released. No crew transfers,etc. Who in their right mind is going to want to level all their crews over again? And lets not forget the money dropped on these accounts to make the game much, much, MUCH more playable AND enjoyable.  A majority of NFs player base could have bought a brand new Harley  and STILL have more money left over than having an account with a awesome CV/BB/SS crews.  Many may say that they will go over to NF2 but when they start adding those pay pal transactions up from the past years choosing to play this 2D/Sprite/Pixelated game created by a handful of Korean Programmers in a basement somewhere, they will make the rational decision and stay with what they already have.(One would hope so anyways)  After all, If more than $500.00 USD was spent on a account, it then becomes an investment, not a mere plaything.  

The language filter will always be here to stay. Its a NF fact of life. It shouldnt concern you so much because honestly, what good does wanting to type swear words on a screen really do a person. Youd have much better results just yelling it out at the moniter in front of you. Make sure to have a paper towel handy to wipe away any spittle you happen to fling on the moniter, lol.

PS: If your having to do GBs because you have no blitz rooms, dont rush and try to attack a BB with those puny Atlanta guns anyways. Start learning to use your AA guns on the enemy planes.  You will double if not triple your earnd experience by doing this.  Or else, yes, you will be one shotted or pounded by the BBs. No matter how many times you THINK you can sneak in there and wreck havok on the enemy, you never will.... 

  • Re : Just my opinion

    07. 05. 2012 03:48


All too true. Kaiser is good if you have a level 5 or 6 ship. Okay if you have a level 4. Below that it is very difficult because there is no intermediate step beween Blitz and GB. GB2 is helpful, but hardly anyone will play it unless something like the Spice event is going on. You have to leech. It isn't encouraging when you have other people complaining about leeching. (But that is a thread in itself.)

Personally, I have never seen an advertisement for NF. When I started 4 years ago it was because I was looking up information on certain ship for research and ran across a harbor graphic on Yahoo.


  • Re : Just my opinion

    07. 05. 2012 05:27


I'm 99% sure this is all common sense that no one will listen too, I will read full in detainl later as I am in work. I just wanted to lol at the fact that I think I made my feeling about locked threads clear in my locked thread from a few days ago :D

SDE/TNF (mainly SDE) please listen to people more (and not about new content which there were far fewer requests for then fixing of broken thing) and acknowledge you have listened and show your self in a more constructive way then a post a week about servers down shortly followed by a post saying there is a delay and servers will be up in 1 hour.

And I just noticed that they (SDE GMs) have made themselves even more faceless as the weekly patch posts are now from GM team rather than the individuals. Oh dear. Although, I'm guessing this is because there is now 1 and they don't want anyone to know there is just 1 left.

  • Re : Just my opinion

    07. 05. 2012 06:54



One of the things you mention is the problem playing your SS1 and that you'd like to play something else.  You have an Atlanta but say you can't play it in GB.  2 Letters - AA.  The Atlanta is a great AA ship, it will give you experts for your crew, and allow you to level to the SS2 at least.  Yes the SS1 sucks, it's supposd to.  Either stay in the SS1 and do ASW on your side of the map or AA in the Atlanta.  either way, you'll make alot more XP by being able to hit something each game instead of, basically, rushing and dieing.

  • Re : Just my opinion

    07. 05. 2012 06:57


I'll add to your list.


Having to uninstall, redownload, and reinstall the entire game every week when they release a patch. I am SO sick of getting the current version is different from the server version error.

Until they start fixing stuff, especially the Windows 7 problems, my money stays in my bak account. SDE is not getting another cent from me. Go ahead devs, look at my purchase history. You just lost quite a bit of income.......

  • Re : Just my opinion

    07. 05. 2012 07:22


First let me say that I really enjoyed reading your post.  I requested a name change because of the constant harrassment...DENIED.  I requested to transfer to another server...DENIED.  I got banned for kicking a person out of a room for spinning the ships.  Spinning ships is now disabled.  I got banned for typing the letters in place of curse words while OTHERS get a pass doing the exact same thing.  I got banned for whatever rule they could think of and for some reasons that they just made up.  When I ask them how about a warning first?  They say "sorry" and now magically EVERYONE gets a warning.  Like you, I started playing again after quitting for OVER 2 years and I can count the changes they made to the game on ONE HAND.  As far as the constant crashing goes, that in itself is the biggest change from playing years ago.  The game never used to crash...AT ALL.  I'll admit that the constant crashing makes the game MORE EXCITING.  Except when I have banked 65K in exp.  I also warned them that if they kept up with thier oppressive rule inforcement that the game would DIE.  There used to be 3 servers now there is 2 and only 1 can you acutally find enough players to play.

When the game is all about the people in charge of it instead of the people PLAYING it that is what you get. 

  • Re : Just my opinion

    07. 05. 2012 10:37


@ WiKiD


Okay i know theres been more thats added, i lost my CV and its crew because they couldnt restore it,




Another reason to add. why do you guys delete the stuff anyways, just leave it for god sakes.


BTW i know how to do AA, but im pretty sure you cant AA with torp men.

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