HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Great Battle 1 - Do you want to win?

    07. 18. 2012 10:01

Recommend : 6


Just a few tips in my observations:

Communications:  Teams that communicate will win more games than those where commuincations is comprised of blame and whining.

Do you actively identify targets and notify your team mates?  If you have enemy scouts loitering overhead, do you try to shoot them down or call for air support?  What is your action if a squadron of bombers show up overhead? 

How about when a salvo of torpedoes slam into your hull?  Do you run or do you ask for ASW support?

If you are fighter camped and can't send up a scout, who do you blame and why? 

Does your ship provide for a scout?  If so, why didn't you bring one?

Do you actively support your front line ships (SS) who are providing vision and enemy damage?  Do you try to help the SS by hitting the ASW? 

Do you try to stay within the subs range and team up to sink ships?

Do you try to attack the enemy's AA ships, or do you consider that a CV-only problem?

Do you provide a wide berth for other ships to maneuver?  Or do you demand that everyone else get out of your way and if they cross your path...too bad for them!

Do you fiddle around doing nothing for one or two minutes after the game starts? Or do you actively move into position?

Do you fire your guns at the beginning of the game?  Lots of ships, including escorts are crossing and getting into their zones.  Do you absolutely need to fire your guns at that moment?  If you hit someone (friendly fire) Is it your fault, or the guy who crossed at the unlucky moment you hit your spacebar?  Answer: IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!    It also gives your position away, even in the dark.  Take a breather, wait until both your ship's area and the downrange area are clear. 

BBs should not clump together, they make for very juicy targets. Keep a VERY wide distance for all turns and maneuvers.  Don't bunch up.

AA ships should carry other weapons also.  Being useless when a sub shows up isn't a good setup.

ASW need to keep to the rears, and monitor the game.  In the beginning, they are not used, but can provide lots of communication about incoming bombers, BB6 running south, etc.  After the enemy subs approach, their job is protecting the team's key assets (BBs and CVs).

CVs should provide constant fighter support.  Enemy scouts must be dispatched quickly, bombers intercepted.  This is the CVs primary function.

CVs can provide tremendous offensive power, but opportunity and ability need good timing.  This is the CVs secondary function.

When the Fighters have cleared the skies, they should be moved into the enemy territories to intercept bombers, and prevent BBs from launching scouts and other harassing duties.

When Bombers have dropped their payloads, they should loiter, providing scouting duties if necessary.

Subs need to focus on sonar-equipped ships first.  Without stealth, they are just an HH bombardment away from game over.  Learn how to eliminate high-end ASW.  Ask for help from your team to hit the target.

Subs can move entire fleets in directions you want simply by spraying a quartet of long range torps in their direction.  The enemy will disperse and scramble, causing a retreat that can quickly affect the outcome, even though none of your torps landed a hit.  However, that retreat will be short lived if your team's BBs do not take advantage of the confusion upon the enemy. 

And if you are not a sub, there is no reason for any ship to be forward of the BB line except TWs.

But the single most important advantage:  Communication

Teams that share information and tactics during gameplay win.


  • Re : Great Battle 1 - Do you want to win?

    07. 18. 2012 11:50


Originally Posted by JimmyEAC

Until the game speaks one language this will have a hard time happening sadly

this statement is true +1, But I do agree that communication is needed.

  • Re : Great Battle 1 - Do you want to win?

    07. 18. 2012 17:32


Except you always have the random guy who takes any comments to them as offensive.

Communication in video games always suck outside of clans/guilds/fleets/groups


Heck in some groups it sucks.




It doesn't matter if you have communication if no one thinks straight.

Players don't launch planes.
Keep planes over themselves

Shoot at ships way outside their range.

Don't bother scouting when their team is blind.

Think "Hey there is only one ship" rush in and get one shot.
CVs on the front lines at the end of battles (lol)

auto-tbing from easy angles to dodge, seriously?
Auto DBing from easy angles to dodge. Read the guides...

CVs launching bombers into fighters, not once, not twice, many more times in a row.

Sit in range of the enemy team AAing in a BB or CV...

Unmanaged planes being dragged back to friendly lines, blinding the team.

AA ships crossing BBs, causing the enemy team to one shot friendly BB + the AA crosser.

Subs targeting ships with HH and getting owned.

Smoking when enemy is blind. Then getting one shot from giving their position away.

Poping a smoke and going in a straight line and getting DBed or salvoed in the smoke.

Rushing at the start and dieing in the first 2 minutes.

Occasional Tking DD that succeeds in killing the highest level CV with HHs. (Really morons...)

When a single ship on your team sinks and all the red dots on your mini-map disappear, you just let the wrong ship sink because you refused to back them up.


Various other crap...

I've had 3 games in the last month where everyone on my team sunk in the first 8 minutes and I've soloed the last 15+ enemy ships in the remaining time. The average skill drop from all these events is horrendous.

  • Re : Great Battle 1 - Do you want to win?

    07. 18. 2012 19:47


I agree that comunications improve the game results and that should be upgrade to make it easy  team chat.

Should be some pre-selected messages like "Need air cover" "attacking" "retreat for repair" that will improve team comunications. I think that 10 sentences are enoguh.

For kaiser server there is an aditional problem: lack of escorts ships.

A typical GB room have 40, 42 players: 20 BB, 6 CV, 4 SS (average). Only there 5 to 6 ships for 2 important duties: AA and ASW.
If to this you add that most BB´s don´t use AA the result is almost the same:
The team with higher FP tier wins. 

  • Re : Great Battle 1 - Do you want to win?

    07. 18. 2012 20:06


any game were theres exp in the way of teamwork and mixed match teams is not gonna be a competitive game.

you want to play for real small teams like 5v5 8v8 fleet battles are the way to go.  which nf does a terrrrible job at getting it to work realisticly in the game now days.  they should just give everyone the same ship and let the best team win rather then the best crew just for a special tourny mode.

you dont see online shooters spilting clanmates up that often and on mlg its formal matches. dubz 2v2 set weapons and rules.

  • Re : Great Battle 1 - Do you want to win?

    07. 18. 2012 23:09


Originally Posted by JimmyEAC

Me and a Fleetmate used teamwork in cv selects (it kept sticking us together on same team), me as a BW him as a FW. we got accused of cheating nuff said.

Technicly, that is cheating because FWs are not allowed in CV select mode and BWs are only allowed if they are CV1-2 i believe might be up to CV3 not sure. Anyways this is the way that all players should play and everyone who doesn't play like this, needs to memorize these tips/tactics.

  • Re : Great Battle 1 - Do you want to win?

    07. 20. 2012 18:54


Originally Posted by JimmyEAC

Until the game speaks one language this will have a hard time happening sadly

Oh, internet racism.


English-speaking players don't communicate. No point banning a bunch of random players to "improve" communication, going from 0 to 0 isn't an improvement.

  • Re : Great Battle 1 - Do you want to win?

    07. 20. 2012 21:24



Now i know why every ship in range shots me and not that big fat BB6 nearby.

Dang! Even my poor Yubari gets the same level of "attention".

It seems that my tactical awareness and communication skill earned me some fame. :D

  • Re : Great Battle 1 - Do you want to win?

    07. 21. 2012 12:17


I have noticed that when a team loses they blame the cv's for not scouting. But that isn't right because players like me have tier 2 fighters and are trying to help. But tier 2 fighters against tier 4 is no fighters will never win and so you hear ppl blaming me and other cvs. So cvs don't bother helping their team and in my case don't bother using my cv cause i don't want nor desire to hear complaining about that theres no sight. Until ppl understand that cvs might not have good enough fighters to fight the other teams fighters cvs will never be a team player until there fighters are tier 4.

  • Re : Great Battle 1 - Do you want to win?

    07. 21. 2012 16:23


The initial sub to sub contact occurs mid ocean. A ASW ship in range can help team subs a lot. I therefore too not agree that they should always sit at the back.


  • Re : Great Battle 1 - Do you want to win?

    07. 22. 2012 10:29


Originally Posted by cowhunter

The initial sub to sub contact occurs mid ocean. A ASW ship in range can help team subs a lot. I therefore too not agree that they should always sit at the back.

I absolutely agree. The key is when contact occurs.   

That usually takes 1-3 mins for subs to get into position for that initial contact.  Being in a back up position to your team's subs is a tremendous asset.    Taking advantage of your team's sub sonar allows ASW to run OH without losing sonar coverage.  But it also brings the ASW out closer to enemy gunfire range, a chance they need to take sometimes. 

Until contact occurs, be in a good position to respond but behind the BB line until then. 

If you definitly know there is an approaching sub and you pretty much know when and where he's gonna show up, then proceed. If you're just loitering around near the BBs hoping something is going to happen, then you'll probably just get hammered by a Lion II on your own team as you mistakenly cross him at the wrong time.

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