HA Infomation



  • SDE isn't that bad.....

    07. 18. 2012 23:41


I was pretty shock at myself after realizing that. I am really proud of SDE after came back from the event I witnessed. Mind you this thread is not to bash them, but instead praising them.



I came back from a certain game which they took about 10 years at developping. I was shock at  their game stability which is comparable to NF. You would occur crash frequently due to bugg in that game.

Content & staff

Further, while we know SDE has been pushing content constantly with poorly tested. I was shocked when BIG company that have way bigger staff and developpers,could have released some features or having features currently in game without bugg.

Personally this is the way I see it.

While we have some poor coding in NF, the developpers do at least listended much more to their playerbase. That doesn't garentee if they are able to fix it, or will do in short delays.

As opposed to the other one, they have the ability to fix it but they are taking too much  time or just doesn't care.

Exploit /Bot

No comment about that, just like any online game you will always find them.



Lol... I don't know if this is a biased opinion, but Navyfield shines way much more than the one I just took a break.


I will stop right here, as the more I am writting about, the more I think shouldn't be putting much effort at writting this.

Let's say, a well known company doesn't always serve quality stuff we expected . However, I also learnt some funny stuff from that game.


I shall leave this thread with the following quotes. Hopefully, some of you will catch the joke.

" ... and then we doubled it"

" Aren't you thankful? "

" I learnt much from that"

" Look! More hidden footprints"






  • Re : SDE isn't that bad.....

    07. 19. 2012 00:01


Other company just sits complacently on their cash cow. Too bad that other huge development project from that other very large and well known company didn't take their cash cow down. 

SDE somehow got us all addicted to this 2D game though. Should say something right there @_@.

Can't ever seem to quit the times I've tried (for long at least).

  • Re : SDE isn't that bad.....

    07. 19. 2012 01:36


I have that other game installed for months now and I have an account. But never played it at all. I am still enjoying this game.

  • Re : SDE isn't that bad.....

    07. 19. 2012 12:44


I am so confused by this sentence:

Originally Posted by Richardphat
came back from a certain game which they took about 10 years at developping. I was shock at  their game stability which is comparable to NF. You would occur crash frequently due to bugg in that game.

Not like sarcasm confused, but just confused what it means. I mean I know how to speak english..but I can't understand it hehe 

  • Re : SDE isn't that bad.....

    07. 23. 2012 18:59


Originally Posted by A101stAD

I am so confused by this sentence:

Originally Posted by Richardphat

 came back from a certain game which they took about 10 years at developping. I was shock at  their game stability which is comparable to NF. You would occur crash frequently due to bugg in that game.

Not like sarcasm confused, but just confused what it means. I mean I know how to speak english..but I can't understand it hehe 

He's talking about another game company but isn't mentioning the game companies name or the name of the game because then his post would be hidden.

  • Re : SDE isn't that bad.....

    07. 24. 2012 15:18



yeah you know the NF censor police :P

  • Re : SDE isn't that bad.....

    07. 24. 2012 19:37


Originally Posted by devildog8

yeah you know the NF censor police :P

  • Re : SDE isn't that bad.....

    07. 25. 2012 13:42


Originally Posted by bloodsky

Originally Posted by devildog8

yeah you know the NF censor police :P

plz dont get me wrong blood you guys are doing a great job and only following orders, but I do believe there is a differnece in ppl metioning other games to make a point then telling ppl to quit NF and go play them

I think there needs to be a little leeway here, but I know not your fault and not blaming you or any other mod for doing what they are asked

but it seem a little ridiculas that even the mention of a game gets a post hidden for not really doing anything wrong but mentioned it to make a point in a post 

  • Re : SDE isn't that bad.....

    07. 26. 2012 02:47


what game is being talked about here?


shoot me a PM?

  • Re : SDE isn't that bad.....

    07. 26. 2012 03:14


Originally Posted by myg0t1

what game is being talked about here?


shoot me a PM?

game, gaming company same difference actually, the same rules apply for both

  • Re : SDE isn't that bad.....

    07. 26. 2012 18:22


Originally Posted by devildog8

plz dont get me wrong blood you guys are doing a great job and only following orders, but I do believe there is a differnece in ppl metioning other games to make a point then telling ppl to quit NF and go play them

I think there needs to be a little leeway here, but I know not your fault and not blaming you or any other mod for doing what they are asked

but it seem a little ridiculas that even the mention of a game gets a post hidden for not really doing anything wrong but mentioned it to make a point in a post 

There are others here who agree with you, if you believe the rules should be changed put in a support ticket with a constructive argument...

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