HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Sub Exp Still Nerfed After all this time

    07. 23. 2012 12:39


you know i have made many good arguments about the subs being nerfed since they were originally nerfed long ago.


and this time i am just going to put one awesome point out here for you to think about.


sub crews take the same exp to raise as any other ship so why don't we get the exact same exp as the rest of the ship for the same damage done in battle,


i know for a fact if i score 100k damage in a BB i dont get less then 20k exp per sailor for that battle.

but when i get 100k damage in a sub i barley get 20k exp per sailor

all i am asking is that it be evened out, think about it you got those dang HH that can shoot from miles away and group like no other shell can why cant we just have the same exp for the same damage done this is rediculous i been telling everyone since they nerfed the exp when the GB 2's came out and they still make the sub do 5 times the battles to get the same exp.

i used to get 35-45k exp for 120k damage then all of a sudden it goes all the way down to were i cant even top 20k exp even when i had a 180k damage battle. now it looks like they changed it some but it still isn't evened out and its not fair to all the sub drivers that do 50-80k damage and only get 10-15k exp per sailor, there isnt a BB driver out there that would keep playing this game if you nerfed there exp like that




thanks for your time



  • Re : Sub Exp Still Nerfed After all this time

    07. 23. 2012 12:52


well CVs get less exp for same damage, grant it they get more credits but less exp

I believe why BBs get more exp is because they do most of the front line battles, CV and SS is actually support ships to BBs, I have seen in this game support ships get a little less exp then primary battleships

not saying its fair, just maybe giving a reason why that is 

  • Re : Sub Exp Still Nerfed After all this time

    07. 23. 2012 12:58


CVs get less exp cause they dont use guns, they only take care of the air, how ever a good sub driver can rip through 4-5 BBs same as any BB can but dont get anywere near the exp they originally nerfed it to satisfy the BB's who cryed all the time about subs

  • Re : Sub Exp Still Nerfed After all this time

    07. 23. 2012 13:03


the point of this arguement is to get the exp put back were it should be and not make sub drivers who do a lot of good work and win the game for the BBs at times there exp back to were it should be


not to try to justify why they dont get squat when they do a lot of the work have very little range and all the bbs who can see steal all there kills right before they get to the target,

and if you drive a sub you know exactly what i am talking about you work your but off to get into range of the bbs just to have your BBs steal every single kill you go to shoot at.

and plz dont try to insult my intelegance bye saying that dont happen.

  • Re : Sub Exp Still Nerfed After all this time

    07. 23. 2012 13:03


Originally Posted by xxStrahdxx

CVs get less exp cause they dont use guns, they only take care of the air, how ever a good sub driver can rip through 4-5 BBs same as any BB can but dont get anywere near the exp they originally nerfed it to satisfy the BB's who cryed all the time about subs

What guns do ss use then?

  • Re : Sub Exp Still Nerfed After all this time

    07. 23. 2012 13:07


well lets see the KM SS 4 uses guns but thats not the point, they nerfed torp damage a long time ago, how many torp boats you see around anymore ???


Not many at all cause it wasnt worth playing them for no exp

  • Re : Sub Exp Still Nerfed After all this time

    07. 23. 2012 13:10


let me put this in another way then if i sink 4 BBs using torps i may get 25k exp for atleast 125k damage


if i sink 4 BBs in a BB getting same 125k damage how much exp do i get?

  • Re : Sub Exp Still Nerfed After all this time

    07. 23. 2012 13:11


Oh and to get to ss5 you ned 13million experience to get to bb5 you need 19million, therefore bb should get at least 1/3 more. Or top tier ss you need13 million experience top tier bb you need 49million experience so you should get 4 times experience in bb.


and only last month torp experience was increased.

  • Re : Sub Exp Still Nerfed After all this time

    07. 23. 2012 13:13


that might be true if there were SS 6's and premium SS but there isnt so that kind of logic doesnt apply

  • Re : Sub Exp Still Nerfed After all this time

    07. 23. 2012 13:15


Originally Posted by xxStrahdxx

that might be true if there were SS 6's and premium SS but there isnt so that kind of logic doesnt apply

No that is fact. And this game should die before there are ss6.

  • Re : Sub Exp Still Nerfed After all this time

    07. 23. 2012 13:16


ok you want to say they are support then give them exp for supporting.

spotting BBs support.  protecting there own bbs from other subs support, both jobs of a sub that they dont get exp for doing, so they dont do it.

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