HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • north carolina worse then colorado?

    08. 08. 2012 23:12


Now colorado isnt a great ship compared to the big BBs. But I had some good numbers with it. Now I switch to Carolina and I cant hit anything even with the Sodak guns. I hope it is that I am new to USN BB3 line and can expect more. Any thoughts?


  • Re : north carolina worse then colorado?

    08. 09. 2012 00:06


If you are using Sodak guns on the Nocal you are using the wrong ones.

  • Re : north carolina worse then colorado?

    08. 09. 2012 00:57


I have used both guns, mk6l and mk3l

  • Re : north carolina worse then colorado?

    08. 09. 2012 09:06


Do you realize how much range NC has? I mean it's a hair shorter than bismarck with 44k damange and way better armour penetration.


Granted spread might be inferior than colo, but at least NC has better spread than most of the vv3 such as sodak, pow, nelson

  • Re : north carolina worse then colorado?

    08. 09. 2012 09:59


At level neither Nocal or Sodak have good spread and even the range isnt whats magic about it. Those 45 degree guns have some great damage.

  • Re : north carolina worse then colorado?

    08. 09. 2012 11:04


meh, i find the norcar spread on par with the sodak ones, if not worse; and the sodak guns have the reload to make up for it.

that being said, norcar is still pretty nice.  you just cant be as crazy as driving a sodak.  44 knots on norcar is makes it pretty dangerous


  • Re : north carolina worse then colorado?

    08. 09. 2012 13:32


Originally Posted by richardphat

Do you realize how much range NC has? I mean it's a hair shorter than bismarck with 44k damange and way better armour penetration.


Granted spread might be inferior than colo, but at least NC has better spread than most of the vv3 such as sodak, pow, nelson

The Mark 6 spread is worst than the Mark 3

I will post screenshots shortly... 

All with same B/V/Ed 120 gunners.

Mark 3 Ls (Sodak) BB FCS (aiming)

Mark 6 Ls (NorCal) BB FCS (aiming)

Mark 3 Ls (NorCal) BB FCS (aiming) 

On second opinion they are about the same. 

(If your wondering why the NorCal gunlines are short, I only leveled my first (Colorado/Sodak) line BO past level 80. My 3 other BB BOs are all level 80 atm (This penny/norcal BO is almost 81 :/) 

  • Re : north carolina worse then colorado?

    08. 10. 2012 20:59


Originally Posted by normpearii


On second opinion they are about the same. 

Norcal is far less consistant then Sodak but yeah they both are not great.

  • Re : north carolina worse then colorado?

    08. 10. 2012 22:24


The 45 degree guns have decent damage and if you learn how, you can actually use the flight time of the shells to your advantage by getting the enemy ships to chase you then using the hang time of the shells to out range them as you sail away from them.

  • Re : north carolina worse then colorado?

    08. 10. 2012 23:02


Well, if you don't want opinion and want straight answer. At the end it's your call.


  • Re : north carolina worse then colorado?

    08. 10. 2012 23:08


Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Norcal is far less consistant then Sodak but yeah they both are not great.

this.  no point in arguing which gun is worse

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