HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • US AA

    07. 12. 2011 13:23

Well, i have lvl 91 bve rld gunners, and if i get my pensacola and i put em on i almost blow everything out of the sky.
It's just my range of AA.
I use the  L18 d 3"/70 cal mark 23 D with 1.08 reload speed, muzzle velocy of 932M/Second, train speed of +94 and highest angle 90.
The Range of my AA sucks. I gotta put my ship next to the planes to shoot them down, and then get killed by BB's.
Now u guys might say 'play KM or MN AA' But i'd rather stick to my US AA.
Is there any way to increase AA range? Or any gun? 

I use the Pensacola. 




  • Re : US AA

    07. 12. 2011 13:53


About half way down the page will list the various guns used for AA. The 5" will have more range sacrificing reload speed. As a side note, use the 3/70Ns for better range than the Ds at a marginal reload difference.

  • Re : US AA

    07. 12. 2011 13:53

Use 3" 70 N's or (God Forbid) 5" 38 L's? If you're not able to or not willing to play KM/IJN/MN AA,those guns are your best options.

  • Re : US AA

    07. 12. 2011 14:58

I use the pensacola.

  • Re : US AA

    07. 12. 2011 19:04

US just doesnt have much AA range. its just one of the characteristics. (EXCEPT FOR THE 6" DP GUNS MUAHAHA)

but yes, on the pensacola, run the 3"70 Ns or the 5"38 Ls. depending on your taste. the 5" Ls have slightly more range but i simply like the 3" reload better.

if you want to try out the 6" DP guns, put them on the brooklyn. they're the most powerful AA in the game (damage per shell), but reloads slow. Very fun to play with.

As for actual GB gameplay, you'll need to learn to position yourself well to be able to do well AAing.

  • Re : US AA

    07. 13. 2011 02:11

Originally Posted by megabstr
US just doesnt have much AA range. its just one of the characteristics. (EXCEPT FOR THE 6" DP GUNS MUAHAHA)

but yes, on the pensacola, run the 3"70 Ns or the 5"38 Ls. depending on your taste. the 5" Ls have slightly more range but i simply like the 3" reload better.

if you want to try out the 6" DP guns, put them on the brooklyn. they're the most powerful AA in the game (damage per shell), but reloads slow. Very fun to play with.

As for actual GB gameplay, you'll need to learn to position yourself well to be able to do well AAing.

Ok. ty

  • Re : US AA

    07. 13. 2011 15:58

5"Ls dont carry enough ammo on the Pensa. Their range dosnt justify only 2 binds (iirc) and you will run out as a dedicated AA ship. Guns like KM 5"40s or UK you can get away with less ammo because of their range/damage.

  • Re : US AA

    07. 13. 2011 16:04

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz
5"Ls dont carry enough ammo on the Pensa. Their range dosnt justify only 2 binds (iirc) and you will run out as a dedicated AA ship. Guns like KM 5"40s or UK you can get away with less ammo because of their range/damage.

I use the 23 guns now, not 23D. rld almost the same, and more range...

  • Re : US AA

    07. 14. 2011 15:16

man i want to use the 6"DP Ds on the monty now. lolol would be so awesome...for a few games

  • Re : US AA

    07. 14. 2011 18:58

bit like using all 3x6.1 A on an amagi.

quite lol, but not as efficient as the regular AA guns.

  • Re : US AA

    07. 15. 2011 09:04

Originally Posted by megabstr
man i want to use the 6"DP Ds on the monty now. lolol would be so awesome...for a few games

If you really want 6" on the monty Grind Arm. Sailors to level 120 then class to "AA Gunner" and they aren't half bad... Classing them any earlier = broken gunners though.....