HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Account Restart?

    10. 04. 2012 19:41


Hey everyone,

Is there any way to restart your account from scratch?  I recently rejoined NF and I made a big brain fart and messed up my sailor Nationality.  I would like to restart with the default sailors but I can't find an option.

If you know a way, it'd be greatly appreciate.  



  • Re : Account Restart?

    10. 04. 2012 19:47


If that's the case, are the beginning sailors better statted?  Or will they be the same as any random sailor I create?

  • Re : Account Restart?

    10. 04. 2012 19:54


Originally Posted by JimHoliday

well the yellow sailors I believe are +11, rolling a crew will take time but you could find some +12 sailors while rolling. I would recommend making sure you have either +11/+11 gunner, Elites or +12/+11 so you have a better time with shooting and accuracy.



Sounds good.  I might just try and do a few resets and see what happens.  

  • Re : Account Restart?

    10. 05. 2012 00:33



Please contact support and talk with the team before deleting anything.

We will gladly look and assist where possible. 

  • Re : Account Restart?

    10. 05. 2012 00:44


you should contact support and explain what happened. a while back i messed up by either deleting a sailor on accident or somehow misclassing the sailor. i contacted support and they undid the action, saving me from heart ache later on.


they are pretty good at helpng you out if you mess up. id try that first before anything else, if that doesnt work then just roll for a sailor with better stats. it wouldnt take too long.

  • Re : Account Restart?

    10. 05. 2012 01:17



before you delete any sailor, relax and plan ahead. you may need them at a later stage.

if they are abt lvl 12, you will make new ones in a couple of hours
if they are abt 30, you'll be there in 2 or 3 days max
you may as well roll better stats

if they are higher, you should accept the price of blunders, which is part of the learning curve

nothing personnal, but i consider a reset would be unfair to other players, if ever you were granted it.

try your good luck, nevertheless

  • Re : Account Restart?

    10. 08. 2012 10:06


Its better create new account and roll sailors for additional supports,.

  • Re : Account Restart?

    10. 08. 2012 18:43


Originally Posted by brimal_rage

you should contact support and explain what happened. a while back i messed up by either deleting a sailor on accident or

somehow misclassing the sailor. i contacted support and they undid the action,

saving me from heart ache later on.


they are pretty good at helpng you out if you mess up. id try that first before anything else, if that doesnt work then just roll for a sailor with better stats. it wouldnt take too long.


man i would really like to know the criteria for this to happen............ I have been told several time to do this, and i did. appearently there is a bias to who can and can not have this done for them.

sad face for my support classed bomber.

  • Re : Account Restart?

    10. 08. 2012 18:46


I remember my first crew was a sailor from each nation :)  Yeah I dismissed it...


Just do what others are saying.