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General Discussion


  • TeamNF: Support Ticket requires me to be offline! how do i know when?

    10. 27. 2012 16:48


Hi, hoping a GM reads this but as i need to be offline by the sounds of it for my support ticket to be dealt with, how can i know when this will happen as i've just logged in and was looking forward to some game time?

any help would be great and sorry if this is incorrect place


  • Re : TeamNF: Support Ticket requires me to be offline! how do i know when?

    10. 27. 2012 18:18


They normally can tell when you are offline, and when you are online. They can also kick you from the server as well to resolve issues, if need be. But I am sure they will handle things when you are offline. Normaly the GMs are off on the weekends.

  • Re : TeamNF: Support Ticket requires me to be offline! how do i know when?

    10. 27. 2012 18:27

Thanks for info but guessing they won't resolve when I'm online as I had a reply a couple of hours ago stating they couldn't check as I was logged in. The bad part was, I popped out for a few hours and forgot to log out! Lol Now I've had to raise another ticket and wait again But if it helps, Vick(mod) informed me that there are weekend GM's that work 8-4 Korean time, which would be now

  • Re : TeamNF: Support Ticket requires me to be offline! how do i know when?

    10. 27. 2012 18:43


A support ticket? Those dont have any connection with your ingame account. I believe the only time you have to be offline/kicked is if there is a problem with prem/items.

  • Re : TeamNF: Support Ticket requires me to be offline! how do i know when?

    10. 27. 2012 18:48

Well that's kinda what mines about After restore of account I'm trying to now get back all lost points, credits, etc as my ships were never re-instated and couldn't by any! Have a full CV crew but had to reset tree as I couldn't now buy one! Plus items paid for on now deleted servers