HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • pts and credit drops ***Check for answer to issue.

    11. 02. 2012 01:12


Ok I know I shouldn't complain cus item drop all day is free and everything. However, I will point out even though  I don't care for the drop at all, but when  you get supposed point or credit drop of 1000x50 it says you get it, but never appears in your item section.


  • Re : pts and credit drops

    11. 02. 2012 05:49


actually agree with elliot on 3 1000X50 creds drops...none of which showed in my item list....also heard from MANY people that the same happened to them with either credits or points drops...

now it does not matter to me personally(but if im gonna get a drop, YES I DO WANT IT)...sold some stuff getting ready for merger, so creds/points are not a prollem right now...

but thinking of the lower level/newer players that need EVERY CREDIT OR POINT THEY CAN GET.....getting short-potted on these kinds of drops would be insulting, frustrating, and induce serious amounts of 'colorful metaphors', possibly even in game, resulting in a ban...adding even more of the above....

seriously, SDE....get the game and event fixed....

  • Re : pts and credit drops

    11. 02. 2012 05:57


Seen a few tickets and heard a fair few anecdotal reports on this issue.  Have passed it up for investigation.


****Edit - it has moved on to the Devs, but it may not be resolved before Monday.  It will be checked and if items are still missing at that point there will be another event set at a higher level to compensate and probably over next weekend.  Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime.***

  • Re : pts and credit drops ***Check for answer to issue.

    11. 02. 2012 09:49

Well thanks Vick for a reply and possible solution so quickly. I'm just trying to state that if ur gonna get a drop, no matter how much it may effect you, you should still get that drop.

  • Re : pts and credit drops ***Check for answer to issue.

    11. 02. 2012 10:55


Completely agree Elliot.

  • Re : pts and credit drops ***Check for answer to issue.

    11. 02. 2012 11:30


Thats why I take screen shots off all my "earned items" To be on the safe side xD

  • Re : pts and credit drops ***Check for answer to issue.

    11. 04. 2012 08:32


Originally Posted by vick11

****Edit - it has moved on to the Devs, but it may not be resolved before Monday.  It will be checked and if items are still missing at that point there will be another event set at a higher level to compensate and probably over next weekend.  Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime.***

Items are still missing, got some points in a drop, and no items, and I got credits from yesterday, and still not in my item box. I also have screenies that I can provide! Still not working.

  • Re : pts and credit drops ***Check for answer to issue.

    11. 04. 2012 10:22


So it would seem hlong.  We have had a number of similar reports so we are waiting on news from Korea in the morning whether it can all be recovered or whether we move in to a compensation event next weekend - once they understand why it wasnt working hopefully.

  • Re : pts and credit drops ***Check for answer to issue.

    11. 04. 2012 10:30


vick and is me recieving 20 experts instead of 200 a bug or is it supposed to be like that?

im just curious 

  • Re : pts and credit drops ***Check for answer to issue.

    11. 04. 2012 10:48


Not had reports of that one.  This relates to credit and point drops not appearing, not different items being received.  You could submit a support ticket on that and ask for it to be checked.

  • Re : pts and credit drops ***Check for answer to issue.

    11. 04. 2012 18:24

Originally Posted by Urquie

vick and is me recieving 20 experts instead of 200 a bug or is it supposed to be like that?

im just curious 

No that's not. It's for Halloween event. Trick or treat. Trick is 10 x 20 treat is 100 x 20. Hope that helps since we did that last years event

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