HA Infomation



  • Remove the 150k creds/pts requirement for low level trade

    07. 14. 2011 10:12

Recommend : 4

Can we remove the requirement that you need "150k credits and points before and after the trade" for level 30 and below? This requirement makes new, low level players really helpless in playing the game. 

At least remove the requirement that you need 150k creds/pts BEFORE the trade, that way they won't spend all their money, but if they are low can still help them with points, creds, or sailors to make sure they have more than 150k after the trade! 


  • Re : Remove the 150k creds/pts requirement for low level trade

    07. 14. 2011 10:19

I dont think there should be a credit cap at all, ppl should be able to trade first min of playing


  • Re : Remove the 150k creds/pts requirement for low level trade

    07. 14. 2011 11:42

Think this is to prevent players from creating new accounts just to get 50k. Doesnt sound like much but when you want to buy a CL1 and short 10k it can be frustrating

  • Re : Remove the 150k creds/pts requirement for low level trade

    07. 14. 2011 12:10

I see where theyre coming from with the trade requirement, but its not that big of a problem because we cant trade BOs or high level neuts.

Reccomended to remove this, not change it like they did last time... idaots.

  • Re : Remove the 150k creds/pts requirement for low level trade

    07. 14. 2011 12:47

This is just getting annoying with all the restrictions on trading. Especially before we can trade level 6 neuts, and now we have to level them to 12, and class them in nation AND role. Can't trade this, can't trade that... geez relax a bit would ya?