HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Balance

    12. 18. 2012 18:39


I'm basically making this post to see what other people's opinions are of NF's overall balancing, and I mainly would like to address those who have been playing since the days before BBs were around.

Just some things to consider:

UK armor- downside is cost? Money isn't a real factor if you understand what I mean...
Accuracy/Spread between the nations- Why must SY have such bad spread among BB5's? Why do UK guns tend to be able to blockshot more often?
Blockshot Yorks- Back in the Blitz days before BBs existed.
Ship size to firepower ratio- Consider Alaska and Courbet for one example. Both are BB1.
Shell Hangtimes- Vittorio Veneto, 30 degrees, damage per salvo? Alsace, 40 degrees, damage per salvo? SY, 45 degrees, and much damage does it do per salvo? It's just I would expect a sort of disadvantage following a shorter hangtime.
AA Gun Range- I read around and saw US specialized pretty well in the anti aircraft field. I was greatly mistaken when I made US AA gunners... But anyways there's MN AA guns to consider alongside this.

These are just a few things off the top of my head. Well let me know what you guys think, you'll probably remind me of whatever else there is to mention.

(What do you think of the overall balance of NF?)


  • Re : Balance

    12. 18. 2012 22:35


KM T-4 ftrs and T-5 scouts vs USA T-4 ftrs and T-5 scouts
KM ftrs can not chase down usa T-5 scouts  /  but usa T4 ftrs can chase down KM T-5 scouts
KM T-4 ftrs do not have enough fuel to be afective to scout with  /  usa ftrs can
USA has better pilots/ better attack / deffense / endurance than KM ftrs

you would think with such masive handy caps as speed and fuel KM ftrs would at least have a advantage when it comes to fighting but they dont. usa still have better pilots/better attack & deffense and endurance. not to mention KM is limited to T-2 TB's where usa hase T3 TB's & DB. and the usa CV6 has more gunns.

  • Re : Balance

    12. 18. 2012 22:54


There's not a single tier of ships in this game that are perfectly balanced. The best examples of semi-balance, are BB6, 5 and 4; although that is purely in my own opinion.

The lower tier ships have been changed significantly with the BB1/2 patch in 2007/8, but there were problems they could not solve with the knowledge they had, and there are definetly some problems in the DD-BB2 range.

BB3/4 and AA guns were touched upon a few years ago as well, and brought much needed balance to these tiers; although again, they lacked both the knowledge (APHC to be exact), to completely balance these tiers.

Since I'm not familar with the CV patch, I will refrain from commenting on the CV mechanics patch. 

The introduction of the French brought in a few more terribly balanced ships, which was put off for some time, as submarines were the bigger concern at the time I believe.

With the introduction of Soviets (which in many aspects, I balanced a significant amount myself during the original introduction before the MN-SN patch), another set of inbalanced ships came in. Luckily, at this stage, we figured out one of the more important aspects of damage absorbtion; although too late to make a different to the patch itself.

The MN-SN patch was better organized, although the lack of resource and time eventually left some ships with (in my opinion), temporary fixes instead of permnant fixes.

Since I took a break from NF after that time, I cannot comment on Italian introduction and Italian balance patch. (athough they seemed to be as broken as MN and SN during their introduction).

With recent fixing of rental ships, the next balancing project that is ongoing is the new EBB project, which aims to fix certain issues with current EBBs, and to make the introduction of the new EBBs less damaging to the current balance.

After the current project, I do not know what will be next. Some of my educated guesses include another aircraft patch, another SS fix, and some BB5 changes.

Advantages and disadvantages wise, it's hard to find a comprehensive list right now. But I can assure you, there there much much more pros and cons to each nations than what you've listed there.


  • Re : Balance

    12. 19. 2012 00:19


@TS: Long story short RM is the new UK.

The BB5 in particular is still overpowered as hell and I even tried explaining it to them but it went completely ignored. My best guess is that someone within TNF or the test team invested some serious money into an RM crew doesnt want their toys nerfed.

  • Re : Balance

    12. 19. 2012 02:15


Well the only thing that bothers me is as tappo said the RM BB5....

  • Re : Balance

    12. 19. 2012 10:26


The RM BB5-
Supposedly the advantage of RM guns is their low angle, and to compensate for that advantage they are given low caliber weapons. Intuitively you would imagine that lower caliber weapons do less damage but the RM BB5 still does 45k-ish a salvo I believe? Not to mention a much greater chance for criticals. In my opinion thats one of the biggest problems I have. Why compensate for RM's laser guns by giving them low caliber shells. Even though those low caliber shells still do the normal damage for that tier.

I always just want to point this out-
When you go into GB and you see a BB6, chances are it's from what nation?
UK, its always a QV am I right? Why is this?!

That's why I don't like playing CV. You can micromanage all you want but at the end of the day its all about who has the better stats/nation.

  • Re : Balance

    12. 19. 2012 13:56


About the overall balance of NF one of the things i never understood is how are Torp Bombers so underrated, they should be as dangerous as Dive Bombers or even more.

One of the things you mention, the shell hangtime is something i don't think current people testing ships consider enough, in fact i even have read ships with 45 degrees are better than 30 degrees ones.

But well, more or less, excepting some very few cases, BBs are well balanced, nothing to see with the first months/years of life of Navyfield, lol.

  • Re : Balance

    12. 19. 2012 14:00


Originally Posted by Cracko

One of the things you mention, the shell hangtime is something i don't think current people testing ships consider enough, in fact i even have read ships with 45 degrees are better than 30 degrees ones.


You seem to have missed the 20 page long discussion between me and LJ on this issue. 

Edited by Scvbari

  • Re : Balance

    12. 19. 2012 14:04


Originally Posted by Cracko

One of the things you mention, the shell hangtime is something i don't think current people testing ships consider enough, in fact i even have read ships with 45 degrees are better than 30 degrees ones.

"45 degrees are a huge advantage! If someone is stupid enough to chase you across the entire map you will be able to outrange him!"

Like its going to happen so often.

  • Re : Balance

    12. 19. 2012 14:05


Originally Posted by Color_Blue

The RM BB5-
Supposedly the advantage of RM guns is their low angle, and to compensate for that advantage they are given low caliber weapons. Intuitively you would imagine that lower caliber weapons do less damage but the RM BB5 still does 45k-ish a salvo I believe? Not to mention a much greater chance for criticals. In my opinion thats one of the biggest problems I have. Why compensate for RM's laser guns by giving them low caliber shells. Even though those low caliber shells still do the normal damage for that tier.

Ho boy.

45k (not sure if that's 100% correct but it certainly could be) on Veneto - that's low for a BB5.

Higher chance for criticals?  Absolutely untrue.

Finally, caliber does not mean what you think it means.

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