HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • SS crew

    02. 14. 2013 20:20

Recommend : 0


Hi everyone,

Is planesman and sonarman worth to delay classing around SS3 ? 

About torper, which one is better as follow....

1. get +12torp and cut it off at cap ? 
2. get +12rep and decent torp ? 

Appreicate if anyone could  answer these.



  • Re : SS crew

    02. 14. 2013 21:45


Originally Posted by Invinciblor
About support sailors:

- A planesman is very important. While they are not required per se, you are seriously disadvantaged without one. Dive time is limited by air supply, and the planesman's skill reduces the time the sub needs to replenish its air supply. Without a planesman, you start each battle with empty air tanks (which fill very slowly without a planesman). The higher his potential stat the better. If you've got olives to spare, an elite sailor here is not a bad idea.
- Sonar is very useful. While a sub is submerged, it relies on sonar to maintain sight of its surroundings. Sometimes an SS player will attempt to replace his sonar with an engineer, but this is very risky and not recommended. Without a sonar man, you can only see about a sub's length away in any direction while submerged.
- The difference between a good sonar man and a bad one is small. Having one at all is about 75% as good as having a good one. Look for a sonar man with decent (13+) potential and good repair and restore (11/11+). Class him to support at level 12, and to 2nd sonar as late as you can--they lose repair/restore growth and gain very little potential when you class them from support to 2nd sonar. Basically, keep him as a support until you're ready to start using U-boats. You will still have enough sonar range to spot ships before you're ready to attack them.
- If you want to focus exclusively on ASW, then consider using a boosted +15 or +16 sonar man classed on time, to give you a small edge on spotting enemy SS.
- Any support slots that your planesman and sonar are not filling should be used for engineers. This is optional, but recommended.

Originally Posted by Invinciblor
About T-slot sailors:

- The torpedo stat is the only stat that makes your torpedoes reload faster. The reload stat does nothing (it's only for gunners).
- Repair and restore are important to all sub sailors, because you don't have as much room as bigger ships for actual repairmen. Because you get enough torpedo stat from classing as a torpedo man, repair/restore stats are actually more important when rolling a new sailor for your torpedo men than torpedo is. Try for 10 in torpedo and 11/11 or 12/10 repair/restore (or use elite repairmen!).
- I recommend delay-classing your torpedo men until level 44. At level 12, class them as KM sailors, but DO NOT class them to armament sailor yet. Wait until level 44, then class to armament sailor, then to gunner, then to heavy torpedo. Keep them there. They will still reach the torpedo reload speed cap easily, and they will have much more repair/restore ability.