HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • What should i do to increase the range of my guns

    04. 04. 2013 03:21

Recommend : 1


Hi all i have a question. what depends on increasing range of my guns?


  • Re : What should i do to increase the range of my guns

    04. 04. 2013 03:29


L type guns and light HE munition.

  • Re : What should i do to increase the range of my guns

    04. 04. 2013 03:30


thanks i check it out

  • Re : What should i do to increase the range of my guns

    04. 05. 2013 21:32


Shooting from South to North also has a minor range increase.

You can also gain more range by firing your front and rear guns during ideal range times.

E.g. if you turn your ship away from the enemy (after sailing parallel), your rear guns will stick out slightly and allow you to gain a few mm of range.

The same will work for your front guns by turning towards the enemy, but obviously be quick to turn away after you fire if you don't want to rush. 

Use Z and C to isolate your fore and rear guns respectively. X activates all guns again.  

  • Re : What should i do to increase the range of my guns

    04. 18. 2013 00:28


it really only depends on the L type guns and light shells


lucky i asked this a long time before since i was always using the heavy shells and the guns with the lowest reload time