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  • how to get the EBB giulio cesare 1940?

    04. 08. 2013 00:15

Recommend : 0


how to get the EBB giulio cesare 1940?

it isnt in redeem premium invitation (i invited a friend,and he boghut 3 months,but in the list there aren't any rm ebb!)

so, how can get it? 


  • Re : how to get the EBB giulio cesare 1940?

    04. 08. 2013 00:41


You need to participate in event which is run by SDE and aims to provide a chance for players to get EBB.You need to complete certain mission in order to reach the goal.

Eg, In the last EBB event . If you want to redeem Giulio Cesare(1940) , you need to play World at War 100times with 40wins.After you had completed this requirment , you may redeem your favourite EBB5 for one.

Or you may participate in the EBB event in the alternative way , use olives via the item store.

Eg, in the last EBB event , the other way you may get EBB is to spend at least 200olives in one transation , you may receive a coupon that you may have a chance to receive a EBB coupon or other items.


Hope this information can help you.

  • Re : how to get the EBB giulio cesare 1940?

    04. 08. 2013 01:08


There is an invitation thing the OP has mentioned that allows you to receive an EBB.  The list does not include RM ships as it was started before that nation was introduced.  There has been no update to it since either.  I think the only thing you can do is send a support ticket explaining the situation.

  • Re : how to get the EBB giulio cesare 1940?

    04. 08. 2013 01:47


thx you all, i sent a support ticket, hope can i get at least 1 EBB, better 2, cause i have to recive 2 gift!