HA Infomation



  • further zoom

    04. 20. 2013 17:13

Recommend : 0


the current zoom is suffecint for CAs and lower but once you get to GBs with BBs it becomes more of a battle of the G button and luck. i think they should take out the cap on the zoom function and allow, if a player wants, to zoom all the way out and see the complete field or half of the field just so it dosnt become of a ping pong game with the camera 


  • Re : further zoom

    04. 21. 2013 06:45


I dunno, I think only being able to see either the target or yourself for BB play adds a more tactical edge. Being able to survey everything would be a bit easy. I think they have the zoom about right.


I just wish the actual graphic quality was the same as with the 3d function off.

  • Re : further zoom

    04. 21. 2013 09:55


i see what your saying but ping pong with the view can make me dizzy sometimes kind of like motion sickness never really had that problem till i got my kongo but i guess ill have to power throgh it unless they dont think it to much a problem