HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • Since these issues are happening to alot of people but not all...

    07. 22. 2011 15:01

Ok since asking for players to demand a stable client and not pay a dime till they get one got removed and banned....lets try something else...

Many of us are having issues with the game, we do everything we are told to do and it may work for one day then the next the game has gone to crap

common issues.....freezes when joining or waiting for a match to start....Data corruption.....spr on and so on....

Now I say if your having an issue with the game....first go to your navyfield folder, go to the hackshield folder and look for an application called.
ahnrpt.exe click that then select all and copy and repost on this thread....Then I will ask that BBR_insUW please forward this to the devs so they can work it out.
SInce not everyone is having these issues perhaps the devs could look at what we are working with and figure what in their software is at conflict
with our systems and come up with some way to fix this...Thank you.

p.s. to copy and paste you will need to select edit then copy.

OS    Windows 7 Home Premium  (x64) (6.1.7600)
Internet Explorer Version (64-bit)    8 (8.0.7600.16385)
Internet Explorer Version (32-bit)    8 (8.0.7600.16385)
Firefox Version (32-bit)    5.0 (en-US)
Microsoft Office Version (64-bit)    not installed
Microsoft Office Version (32-bit)    not installed
.NET Framework Version    v2.0 SP2 (2.0.50727.4927) (64-bit,32-bit)
.NET Framework Version    v3.0 SP2 (3.0.30729.4926) (64-bit,32-bit)
.NET Framework Version    v3.5 SP1 (3.5.30729.4926) (64-bit,32-bit)
.NET Framework Version    v4 (4.0.30319) (Client,Full) (64-bit,32-bit)
Country    United States (1, Default: 1)
Time zone    Eastern Standard Time (GMT-05:00)
UI language    1033 (0x0409)
User Locale    English (0409, Default: 0409)
System Locale    English (0409, Default: 0409)
ANSI / OEM code page    1252/437 (System: 1252/437)
Computer Name    DASMACHINE-PC
Account    DasMachine-PC\Das Machine
Admin?    Yes
Gina    Standard Microsoft GINA DLL
Processor0    AMD Turion Dual-Core RM-70   ~2.00GHz
Processor1    AMD Turion Dual-Core RM-70   ~2.00GHz
MainBoard    360A (Wistron)
Physical Memory    1.55GB free / 3GB
Virtual Memory    5.84GB free / 8.24GB
Drive C    NTFS (77.94GB free / 176.49GB)
Drive D    NTFS (1.74GB free / 9.82GB)
Display    1280x800, 32bpp, 96dpi, 60Hz
HackShield Version    5, 5, 6, 131


  • Re : Since these issues are happening to alot of people but not all...

    07. 22. 2011 15:06

there is already stickied thread "Help us get some data" where people post these :)

  • Re : Since these issues are happening to alot of people but not all...

    07. 22. 2011 16:07

Yes Please use the sticky.

  • Re : Since these issues are happening to alot of people but not all...

    07. 22. 2011 16:12

we have and still nothing works bro.....its getting to the point where many are thinking f this....

I have worked in software industry....We test of every platform we can come up with just to make sure of stability....and yet here I wonder if they even test this on a pc....

If the devs will not do something or at least show us some attempt why should we bother anymore....

At this point you have to be a freaking rocket scientist in order to get the thing to work 10% of the time.