HA Infomation



  • Modification on GB exp.

    08. 08. 2013 08:30

Recommend : 3


My suggestion is simple:


-More exp for all if you win.

-Less exp for all if you loose.



Example 1, as a reference: a BB5 making like 150k attack if he wins the GB he gets like 60k exp. Making the same attack he would get 45k if he looses the battle. Instead 60/45 make it 80/25.


Example 2, as a reference: a PCV making like 20k in planes shotted down if he wins the GB he gets like 45k, if he looses he get like 30k. Instead 45/30 make it like 60/15.


The same with submarines and smaller ships.


That way, for example, FW CVs would be more worried about giving light than shotting down planes. BW CVs would be more worried about finishing ships than getting attack bombing a BB6 all the battle and not sinking it. SSs would be more worried about facing other SSs than evading them. BBs also would be more worried about playing well because in the win/loose goes the exp.


I think more reward/punishment if you win/loose the battle will bring us more beatiful games with actual teamplay, motivation for people playing better, motivation for improving their gameplay if they want to lvl fast and game will be more skill-based and less "arcade" than it is now.


Recommend if you like.


  • Re : Modification on GB exp.

    08. 08. 2013 08:37


Unfortunately, I don't share your optimism, even if you have a point wanting to promote better team play.

That sort of xp strategy will only lead to many more people disconnecting in battle, once they see it's going against them.

  • Re : Modification on GB exp.

    08. 08. 2013 10:40


I recomend it but it wont hapen.

Statements of TNF/SDE operators upon similar suggestions say that the actual system coding doesnt allow to modify this kind of aspects for the battle rooms. (i say that is BullSh**! several times ive seen a reduction in GBs Exp gains in the last 14 months)

  • Re : Modification on GB exp.

    08. 08. 2013 15:05


I do not recommend increasing EXP.

Your better off promoting winning by reducing the loss multiplier, without changing the win multiplier.

Base EXP is already 300-350% what it was merely 3-4 years ago. An overall reduction in average EXP gain is a better long term game mechanic than.

  • Re : Modification on GB exp.

    08. 08. 2013 15:11


and what about sub xp?... kinda funny to get only 20k-30k xp every game even with prem... everytime i get 100k+ attack (Im not a sub player but just playing them cause getting bored at bb)

  • Re : Modification on GB exp.

    08. 08. 2013 17:14


Originally Posted by phantom3553

and what about sub xp?... kinda funny to get only 20k-30k xp every game even with prem... everytime i get 100k+ attack (Im not a sub player but just playing them cause getting bored at bb)

Sub EXP, or actual torpedo EXP in general, is a different problem.

It is currently using the shared EXP model that is used for DD and CLs in GBs.

Torpedo EXP would be fixed by switching it back to the Earned EXP model it used before subs were released. 

  • Re : Modification on GB exp.

    08. 21. 2013 06:41


Given the current state of NF and the more casual approach, this isnt a half bad idea.


  • Re : Modification on GB exp.

    09. 12. 2013 06:10



  • Re : Modification on GB exp.

    09. 12. 2013 23:02


how bout removing shared xp on gb and raised xp gain to players that have at least 50k[2k credit for plane shootdown] attack more (x2 if he/she in the winning team) 

i know my post will affect some players