HA Infomation



  • Some thoughts

    08. 19. 2013 09:00

Recommend : 2


2 medals per 100 olives spent, really? Who comes up with these numbers? 3 per 100 for an event. The idea is to get people excited about investing in the game. On a regular day it should be 4 or 5 per 100 and doubling during events (It not only excites the base but also may lure some of their friends). That way people spending on the game get those nice lil ships they want, because this is a ship game after all. I just love all the ships and would actually spend money again if I could get a ship, but spending a $100 dollars and still no ship, hmmm I think I'll pass. Also you guys could unlock more ships, i.e. HA ships without the potency.
Also besides for B.O.s why no trading ships and hero sailors? I get the B.O's but the other things just bring more revenue for the game. If someone wants to buy a premium ship and sell it, isn't that more money in the coffers?
Lastly since CA's can't hold sonar how about a pcl that can. Someting in the 50's would be fantastic. 4 r slots and 3 t slots, just enough to be a true aa/asw ship, not unlimited ammo, but enough to make it worth while, and you would have something to offset the SS from running amuck. Also you would have a great lvling ship and be a true escort at the same time. Again, it would be a money maker. Sorry, I know I'm going to get flamed for adding things that cost money, but here's an alert for you, it's called a business and it cost money to run. If you just want to play and don't want to spend the money don't, but no business runs without income.


  • Re : Some thoughts

    08. 19. 2013 14:06


Actually agree with all of this. I love the CL idea. I don't remember any ss being detrimental as they are during major naval engagement because there were escort ships, and who wants to play a low lvl ship for no xp. Wait that would mean team work ah forget I said anything.