HA Infomation



  • Suggestions for Airplanes

    09. 08. 2013 07:05

Recommend : 1


I think that if you wanted to add a new tier to recon pilot, you could add heavy float planes like the PBY Catalina. Wikepedia has a nice list of them for each nation. The PBY catalina was used by alot of the Allied Nations. Not all nations have good large floatplanes so you might either have to choose one or two planes for axis nations and one for allied nations. The other option is to choose good asw planes and make them ASW planes that drop depth charges. In order not to make the game lopsided you can make them only available on premium ships as a premium item (increasing your profit as well) Actually whatever option you choose the planes should be able to drop depth charges and be good ASW Planes. Let me know if this sounds like a good idea and I can do the research and give you information on planes I think might suit each nation


  • Re : Suggestions for Airplanes

    09. 08. 2013 10:05


"In order not to make the game lopsided you can make them only available on premium ships as a premium item"
Not make the game lopsided? Excuse me, but that sounds kind of pay-to-win... You have to have a premium ship for it? And it's a premium item?

That aside, more aircraft should have access to DC's, because plenty of aircraft had such in WW2. In fact aircraft had access to sonobuoys and other mobile sonar methods consequently having their own sonar. IMO depth charges should be made available on tier 2-4 scouts as well as a large scout.

So instead of making it a premium item, or a tier 6 scouts, you can create a "Large Aircraft" pilot line that breaks off from the Rookie pilot, preferably after the Recon Pilot. Let's say, level 55 or 60? And this "Large Aircraft" pilot would be able to control the transports of each nation (ie C-47, Ju-52), though maybe later down the line. Starting with the large scouts mentioned here, and moving on to the transports a little later and then a tier of medium bombers (B-25's for example. Doolittle raid!!). For laughs and giggles, why not put in a heavy bomber like the B-17 or B-24, the Lancaster, the Me-264, the G8N Renzan at level 100 or so, that takes up far more space than a T2 dive bomber (say, 300 space compared to the 120 a T2 DB takes), two or three deck spaces when being fueled instead of one to avoid spamming, and a longer fueling time too to make up for the decreased numbers that would be fueling. Also they carry multiple bombs; these bombs would be lighter than the single bomb carried by a dive bomber, but they can carry several of them, and the player can choose whether to drop all bombs at once or one at a time (based on whether gradfire, max velocity, or simultaneous fire is selected). Why not implement them? We already have transports that can fly off of carriers...

  • Re : Suggestions for Airplanes

    09. 08. 2013 19:55


A good thought about the larger airplanes, I'm not sure I agree but definitely food for thought for developers and would be fun to see in game, However the ships and planes don't have to be premium or premium items,wasn't my best thought you are right about that. I think the Seaplane tender Idea in my reply to my first post is more viable and more fair. It follows the same principles of an APA where you have to have a special BO to run it so not everyone will have them. I think that if you add too much airpower to the game it makes it less fair to the BB and SS drivers. We want the game to be fun for all types of players not just bomber people like me.  I definitely agree that the flying boat planes should take up more space and have longer fueling times. We don't wanna make it too easy. A balance of air power vs ship or sub power has to be maintained or it takes all the fun out of the game. Your thoughts on the subject are greatly appreciated and the more discussion on the matter, the better cus the ultimate goal is to make the game better. 

  • Re : Suggestions for Airplanes

    09. 09. 2013 03:10



and also, maybe make "Large aircraft" can see a sub when carry a premium sonar item (make it tuning item), and remove CV2+ ability to see a sub, so player will use their "large aircraft", if they don't remove sonar ability on CV, "Large aircraft" is Useless

  • Re : Suggestions for Airplanes

    09. 13. 2013 05:46


can i drive it around on the water?

  • Re : Suggestions for Airplanes

    09. 13. 2013 18:41


Interesting Idea, would be kinda fun to mess around on the water with it  but would make it easy pickings or cannon fodder whichever term you prefer

  • Re : Suggestions for Airplanes

    09. 25. 2013 06:23


I think a new type of vessel is needed for those large Flyingboats. Maybe a Seaplane tender to provide more variety to the APA line.

There was an old suggestion thread
Seaboat Tender