HA Infomation



  • Chief or 1st Engineer?

    10. 13. 2013 15:52


So i've come across so many threads that say "For the love of god please dont turn your engineers into chief engineers." With that said im currently leveling a BB Crew and currently have 6 ebve engineers and 2 ebve repairmen with 1 hero sailor repairman. My engineers have all hit 65 and im just kind of holding off.  I saw most of the discussions on how the repair cap is horribily hard to obtain on KM and was wondering what everyones opinion is.

Now the reason I am using a new thread instead of the search function is this... I See tons of threads that say keep them 1st Engineers, yet in the game every high level engineer for sale and on the forums for sale is a chief engineer.  With that said is it worth it for the extra overheat or that small amount of repair skill? They all have more then 150 vets as well.

Thanks for any real input that is given and to the trolls bleh bleh bleh.


  • Re : Chief or 1st Engineer?

    10. 13. 2013 20:20


I class all supports in every nation on time and all the way.

In all honesty I have never heard any wide discussion on halting or delaying support classing.

  • Re : Chief or 1st Engineer?

    10. 13. 2013 21:58


Once you have your engies at 1st engies and level 65, it really makes no sense holding off chief engy classing, as you don't gain enough repair to make a difference doing so. So go ahead and class them.

There are NOT "tons of threads" advocating leaving KM engies at 1st - people recommending that engy setup haven't got a clue. There are some threads that discuss "soft engies" (delayed classed). For that you need an entirely different strategy and start at level 12.

  • Re : Chief or 1st Engineer?

    10. 16. 2013 13:59


Thanks for the response guys :)

  • Re : Chief or 1st Engineer?

    12. 08. 2013 15:31


Originally Posted by SomeGuy01

 (...) is it worth it for the extra overheat or that small amount of repair skill?

Chief engineer gives eng and sailor growth and takes rep and res growth. Since you have 55 more levels to go, you can see the table below for the pros and cons.

+2 eng growth x 55 = 110 engineer ability
+1 sailor growth x 55 = 55 extra sailors
-4 rep growth x 55 = 220 repair ability
-4 res ability x 55 = 220 res ability

Lets compare final stats at LVL120:
1. Crew size 917 vs 972
2. Engineer ability +/- 110
3. Repair ability +/- 220
4. Restore ability +/- 220

1. Crew size would matter only if you wish to fill with full vets and experts. For example if you will leave it at 150 vets and 700 experts and rest as recruits, the difference will not effect you. But if you are planning to go 300vets with full experts, the difference shall effect you.

2. Engineer ability you would lose by not classing to Chief engineer is only 3% at LVL120. Since you most likely have base 12 or elite engineers with boosts, your crew would reach speed cap anyway and this 3% difference would only effect OH time. Let's assume that at lvl 120 you will have 5 minutes of overheat, 300 secs. Engineers which are kept at 1st class with same number of vets and experts would give you 291 secs. You can easily ignore the difference between 300 and 291.

3. Repair ability you will gain is twice the amount of enginer ability that you will lose. 220 repair ability is not a great number but it can be valuable for KM. KM has a disadvantage of repair ability. So you would like to squeeze as much repair ability from any sailor as possible. For 5 engineers, it would give you a bonus of +1100 repair ability.

4. Restore ability you will gain, while it is also twice the amount of eng ability you will lose, could be ignored. Above all, you will reach SD cap anyway, at the end of 70s or in the beginning of 80s. The difference of +220 restore for all your engineers would only make you reach SD cap a few levels earlier. And this is the case only if you have high number of vets and experts on your sailor.


There is not an absolute choice for this situation. If you have base 12 or elite engineers with boosts, then you will have plenty of OH time anyway, so you can choose to go for more repair ability. But if you are using unboosted +11 base engineers, you are not in a position to give away engineer ability. The choice is up to you.


  • Re : Chief or 1st Engineer?

    12. 23. 2013 06:29


(edited, sorry for my bad english)

you are running 6 engineer 2 repair, aka 6/2 setup.

you will reach repair cap only with boost 300vets, not with the delaying tricks.
Delaying trick need to be done in a whole and delay from the start, however,also require a boost and 300vets.

For example,
operator : buy elite repair, class to nation sailor and delay to level 100.
Gunner : buy elite repair, class to nation armement sailor and delay to 100.
Engineer : buy 11/x/12 sailor from the trade forum, class to nation support and delay to 100

To grind:
lend a 120Lv gunners, two enginners of UK (for example to grind for KM).
Then play with a new dummy operator,
From class Q > emerald > york > pbb > nelson/POW > Lion > Lion 2.
For exmaple,
Lion 2 there give you 8 slots free for grind, running 23/39.

No one will turns into delaying style in the middle of everything.