HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Some tips and tactics worth considering...?

    10. 21. 2013 10:59

Recommend : 1


Hello everyone,

i have been playing NavyField for some time now and if I may, suggest the following tips and tactics (having played FF, DD, CL, CA, BB, CV, SS)


1) Damaged BBs should be allowed room to withdraw temporarily from combat to recover and fight again:


There have been quite a few occasions where a full health allied BB beside a damaged frontline BB just refuses to give way to allow the damaged BB to withdraw and repair. The full health BB becomes a goalkeeper, so to speak, matching the damaged BB's every move, consciously, thereby helping in its early destruction and its own, next.


2) Having 2 BB columns such that when the 1st column is hit and withdraws, the 2nd column could take its place and fire at the enemy.

When damaged ships are given a chance to repair, the tide of the battle could be turned, favourably.


3) Being patient in GB rooms and not shout, "GO!" or "Goooooooooooo".

These new players must be extremely excited to have a battle started quickly and have their ships sunk quickly.

Apart from the usual 20 BB and 6 CV norm, it might be time to consider having more of ships of the other classes to enter the room, to provide AA and ASW support and also more food... =P

Perhaps it might be time to consider having full rooms to achieve the above advantages.

A little more patience might go a longer way in terms of gaining credits and crew experience...


4) Flagship. What does it do? Should it die first on purpose?

I'm not so sure about the game mechanics for the Flagship but I have observed Flagships leading the charge (be it BB, CA, CL, DD or even SS) and exploding in the process.

Does killing the enemy Flagship grant a credit and experience bonus?

Does the destruction of the Flagship determine the fate of the battle?

If so, should Flagships be given extra protection by allied players?


5) AA and ASW support.

I'm quite glad that quite a few players have stepped up and focused on providing AA and ASW support for BBs and CVs.

Please continue to do so and I hope there will be more opportunities for this if rooms allow them to come in after 20 BBs and 6 CVs are filled and not go instantly.

And, it might still be wise for AA and ASW ships to still have main guns for self-defence...



  • Re : Some tips and tactics worth considering...?

    10. 22. 2013 06:03



2.) That causing mass crossing.

Lines should rotate. Clockwise in the south, counterclockwise in the north. The forward line counters the enemy forward line, the rear line offers support an does not interfer with the manuvering of the forward line.

Both rear lines u-turn into the forward lines near the middle of row 3 and rotate from the front lines to rear lines in the bottom of row 1/top of row 2 and row 5.

This has been used by fleets for many years for a reason. It is the most organized way of operating a battleline in a limited space.

3.)  Due to server stability, unless you want a two dozen people to crash that would have otherwise not if they were in a room with less than 40. I don't recommend doing so.

4.) In GB2, yes the flagship CV provides extra reward for being sunk, and is also a pivot upon the results of the battle. 

In all other game modes, the flagship is just the last person with the highest level on the team to enter the room. Provides no additional rewards for being sunk. They could be the best player on your team and supporting them could turn the tide of the room, or they could be some noob that leached there way with shared EXP to 120, and has no clue how to properly play their ship.

5.) Most players don't play AA just because they want to:

Normally they are: grinding lower level sailors.


Playing for free experts or easy credits.

Most people running dedicated ASW either:

Don't realize its not rewarding what-so-ever compared to AAing or even rushing and doing 1 attack on a surface ship with a normal gun. 


They are intentionally trying to troll subs. A certain guy driving a frigate calling subs punks should now be entering your mind :).