HA Infomation



  • ASW Training Mission

    11. 10. 2013 10:03

Recommend : 0


There are missions for training in ship v ship combat and anti-aircraft fire.  How about a mission to practice anti-submarine warfare?


  • Re : ASW Training Mission

    11. 10. 2013 15:41


You do realise its be a long time since a new Mission was made. You'd be lucky if they still remember how to make one at all.

The games ship AI isn't capable of operating a sub. 

  • Re : ASW Training Mission

    11. 10. 2013 23:37



1:  Learn how to approach a sub

>don't approach from the stem or stern (front or back)

>come from the side


2:  Learn how to comb torpedos

>Turn into them, not away

>the closer you are to the sub, the harder you will be to torp


3:  Learn how to launch HH/PHH correctly

>Don't spam them all at once

>Fire HH (or DC) on gradual.  Launch one set, wait until the sub crits, then as soon as the sub starts coming up, fire the rest.  As a general rule, fire once, count to 3 as soon as they hit the water, then fire more.

>If you fire your HH all at once, the sub will just crit under them and then keep coming at you while you reload.  If you fire on gradual, you can at least keep him crit dived which wastes time, air, and health.


4:  Learn where to put your ship

>Watch where the subs are starting while the countdown timer is running after the split.

>See where your own friendly subs are heading and then go help the weakest sub counter the enemy subs. 

>Don't rush out past the BB line, let the enemy subs come to you.  Even if they get some torps off at a BB before you see it, most BBs run enough bulge that you can start launching HH where the torps come from until your sonar picks it up.

>If a friendly sub is fighting an enemy sub, let him fight.  Don't try to help unless there is enough space between them.  Just let your sub fight and be ready to kill the enemy sub if it wins.

>Stay behind the BB line but close enough that your max HH range is about 5 ship lengths on the other side of the BB line.  That is the range most subs will start launching torps at.


5:  Know how to out-maneuver an enemy sub

>Stay towards his beam.  If he turns towards you, turn hard in the same direction and try to get on top of him.  Once you've done that, you can use your higher turning rate to stay there and launch HH or DC without fear of torps.

>Be aware of proxy torps.  This is why you don't get caught out in front of or behind a sub.  He doesn't have to hit you, he only has to launch his torps so they go right by you and explode by proximity.  (mostly vs KM subs but treat all subs this way until you learn to recognize different nations)


6:  There are many other helpful tips, and if you can team up with other asw or work with fleetmates, you can do even better.  A great tactic is to have one sonar ship stay slow and just in range that his sonar can spot the sub.  Have a smaller, fast ship run in and OH all he wants to drop DCs on the sub.  The slower ship will keep sonar on the sub while the faster ship can use max speed to out-maneuver the sub.