HA Infomation



  • Tunnel Rats (TR) Squad Recruiting

    12. 04. 2013 15:08


Tunnel Rats Squad is recruiting for squad members in the Jolly Rogers Fleet.


Tunnel Rats is an old squad formed late in 2007 in the RiverRats fleet.  Command of the squadron has been passed down through the core leadership ever since and now we are looking for valuable new players who are looking for a loyal group of friends.


Prospective Recruits must meet the following guidelines:

Attitude:  Must be positive and above petty argument

Skill:  We're not looking for aces here, but be able to hold your own.

Experience:  Level 80 prefered by acceptance may be case-by-case if you show significant promise

Chat:  Members are required to use TS3 at all times in-game.  This is too encourage tactical communication and enables us to hear a real voice behind the keyboard.


Apply at  and specify in the last question that you want to join TR Squad.


Note:  Only active, good-natured, and ambitious players are desired.  You need to play the game often enough to join a fleet, be positive, avoid harsh words and arguments, and want to do better at every opportunity.


Thank you and please keep the flaming to a minimum.  TR is not out to stake a claim in the NF heirarchy, we're just looking for a handful of good friends to hang out with who want more than just a video game to play.




Jolly Rogers XO, Tunnel Rats CO


  • Re : Tunnel Rats (TR) Squad Recruiting

    12. 05. 2013 07:44


Good luck mate, hope to see you guys in HA.