HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 07:05

Recommend : 10


A CV's job is to bomb the enemy CV/BB , provide fighter cover for BBs on his/her's team and intercept scouts/bombers that tries to attack BBs.
Stop calling a CV noob or whining for sight unless the CV carries rookie pilots and doesn't use them at all.
Also , a rookie pilots are quite cheap so if you want one you can always check the trade system. 


  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 07:32


So, how do I get my scout out if I am fighter capped ?

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 07:34


I would like to add that making a scout or two is a great choice! True, some vessels do not equip scout planes yet many others do. Sailor > Special Forces is the correct path to make a lvl 25 recon pilot for many scout planes I think.
Scouts are one of the best team participants in all battles and are very important for sighting position of enemy vessels. It is most wise to equip a pilot for scouting purposes in an available support slot if your boat has the option to equip scout/recon planes.

CV players can choose what they want to equip in support slots yet a scout pilot would help the team. 

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 07:51


Calling for a cv to provide sight is often misunderstood.  i think most times when someone calls for cvs to provide sight they often mean they need fighter support for their scouts.  I do admit though that there is that somewhat 'unrare' moment when a bb doesn't bring a scout and thinks its the cv's job to give sight, but nevertheless I think most times its a call for Fighter support. 

I would suggest not using a scout on a CV as a fighter pilot would be much more useful.  I know there would be fuel issues but it could play sighting roles when idle and attack roles should a squad of tb/db's appear.

Second, if you see the enemy line full of aa guns and it seems like that side of the line is always dark, don't pass up an opportunity to sink them.   

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 08:58


The fact that a CV player is a noobish player I leave in the middle.

What does disturb me very often, and there's no excuse, is the fact that I've seen a lot of bb4 - 5 and even a bb6 WITHOUT scout!!

Those ppl need to get their facts checked on how to play as a team first off, instead of leaching on others who DO bring their scout.

Yes I call it leaching, they don't give up an extra slot, they don't have to micromanage their scout the whole time, and they become a burden to the team when it all turns dark....

And for the fact that I can't get a scout up because the enemy cv got me spammed with his ftrs, I suck it up and try and make the best of it, instead of loosing energy in blaming other players.




  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 09:11


while playing as a is the most funny when all 3 CVs on the other side has been sunk and the team's BB still yelling noob CVs...we're blind...


but the fact is the other side has no CVs left...and u still can't see...  it's either u didn't put up a scout or it's ur scouting problem

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 09:18


What I find more common is that there are 6 CV on the map, It's down to one or two BB on each team, I'm fighter camped and I have no idea what my CV are doing but if the other team has a single, just ONE FW CV that keeps me blind, our team loses. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!

When I call for fighters or sight  whichever you send, either will work for me.  I guess you need to decide how much you want to win.  

more often than not my request falls on deaf ears.


  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 09:33


If your going to be a dbw/tbw only cv then at least leave them there after the bombing run. Can't tell me you dont have enough loaded to do that. Instead they make there db run and have there planes return leaving his teams BB's blind.  I must say I liked it better when Cv's were  team players and actualy load ftrs with the intent to support there team and not just a personal score.

How many times have you lost a game due to zero help from a CV? I know 90% of the time. How many times has all 3 of your CVs went north and not a one go south to help? I know 50% of the time. Why becouse cvs have lost team play and only care about what damage they can do even at the cost of a loss.

My opinon will always be the same when it comes to dw/tbw cvs and I'll just keep it to myself to not get this thread locked. 

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 09:45


I love situations like this: 4-6 enemy fighters above BB preventing it from sending scout and CV behind this BB starting DB/TB's (BB can't see nothing and those DB/TB's die in a few seconds) ... or other: friendly CV making circles with FTR/DB/TB above BB which is far away from the front line ("For what ?" I ask) ... bombing DD's is also cool way of wasting time ... seeing CVs sending wave after wave of bombers which are eaten by enemy AA or enemy FTR wonders whether some people have brains ? If CVs are not for helping BBs to see the map so what they are for ? Coalition of whiners start doing the TEAM PLAY - not selfish bombing / stealing dmg from BB/SS's ...

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 10:53


Did anyone ever tried 2 scout pilots on a BB? i do it always if im playing BB5/6 and i got ALWAYS sight and i even dont need a CV at my back for scouting..  

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 10:54


i think, i can hardly believe one´s eye what i must read here!


I played CV most of the time on NFEU and here on NFNA. The job of a cv is to giving light for the team with his fighter. Light = win!!!

The bomber cv´s drives me crazy, but sorry i have no skill...I try to give light (who find the ironic and keep it).


In my eyes bomber cv´s can go to hell.



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