HA Infomation



  • exp bounty

    01. 20. 2014 12:40

Recommend : 3


just as a suggestion maybe start randomly popping these 300exp boost like maybe once every three or four weeks for the weekend to increase players on the server it will increase revenue and push players being on the game to  gain the benefits . maybe or maybe not a good idea you guys think it over havent seen this many people playing in a long time and it was great .


  • Re : exp bounty

    01. 22. 2014 19:43


I used to play a game where at any given time durring the week, they would apply "Happy Hours" or "Mega Happy Hours" events. Allow me to explain. Durring said event, they would give the players a x2/x3 rewards boost for a few hours. These events were completely random and usually last 2-3 hours and happened a few times a week. I believe if something simalar would happen in NavyFIELD it would increase the server population slightly. Encouraging people to play more because the could possibly get the hour of a random exp boost.

  • Re : exp bounty

    01. 22. 2014 20:26


i do not like exp events though but at this point anything to encourage people to play, only 2-3 rooms open atm