HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • Account help

    01. 21. 2014 16:51


Im currently have a support ticket in to recover my account.  I can log in but none of my crews/ships/creds/etc are there.  I am extremely bored right now though because im in the philadelphia area and snowed in.  If i start playing with the lvl 1 neutral crew that i have right now will that mess things up when it comes to recovering my crews ships etc?


  • Re : Account help

    01. 21. 2014 17:18


it will take sometime from the time you sent a support ticket to recover your account... and depending on the detail/information about what you have n your account on your ticket

  • Re : Account help

    01. 21. 2014 17:26


its probably been a year and a half or so since i played.  would i have to give exact info on crew lvls cred amounts etc?  because i really dont know all that.  i can give a rough estimate but idk how helpful this is

  • Re : Account help

    01. 21. 2014 18:03


Hey theogdecoy.

When sending in a support ticket to try to have your crew recovered after a period of inactivity, they usually need the following information to help them possibly retrieve your sailors.

1. Username
2. Server that you played on (I.e. Kaiser/Nebby, or the older servers if its been longer)
3. When was the last time you think you logged in. 
4. A rough estimate of what crews you believe you had during that time, it does not need to be exact, (I.e. KM CV crew, or IJN BB crew)

For support tickets like these, it tends to take some time due to the nature of the request.

  • Re : Account help

    01. 21. 2014 18:22


appreciate the help ill update the ticket with that information