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  • Gun Sounds

    02. 23. 2014 13:39


Where are gun sounds ? I've read that all of the .cxf files are music/themes.


  • Re : Gun Sounds

    02. 27. 2014 20:40



Hi. I am a bit of a NavyField modding expert.

.CXF files are really simple, you take an MP3 and change the file extension to .CXF. Easy. But the "SOUND" folder tricks you; background music is all that it contains.

Gun sounds are a bit more complex than the music sounds. Gun sounds are imbedded in .SPR files. The tool, SPRing, is capable of extracting and replacing these sounds (although it is not perfect, it gets the job done.) just like it can the graphics of NavyField. There are two SPR files that hold gun sounds, one is the file the game reads and the other one is just plain there. The active one is EFWPFT.spr; some sounds you will recognize in there will be fire_sma.wav (little DD and AA guns), 105MMCN1.wav (Mid-size CA and BB guns), 80MORT2..wav (Large AA bursts and big BB guns), and more. Another file which may interest you is EFBT.spr, which contains a large assortment of artillery fire and shell explosion noises as well as impacts and crashes. Other sound sprites are for the voiceovers, the aircraft, interface sounds, etc. Everything in NavyField that you hear is stored in a SPR file except the music.

The current version of SPRing is about 6.1; I have been updating it. While the core engine has not changed I modified the SPRInfo.txt so that SPRing can automatically find and read the new sprites (Does not work for everyone.) I established a newer, more active site modeled after the Navyfield Graphics Project at and there I am available through the forums. You can download SPRing 5.1 here.A text file which can update the program's browser (though you still need to manually navigate to your SPR folder at least once for it to work, or ensure NF is installed in its default location) can be downloaded here.

  • Re : Gun Sounds

    02. 25. 2014 18:43


All the game audio is replacable via the SPRing tool.

I believe the current version is 0.5.1 as I don't believe it is still being updated.

SPRing intakes the .WAV format. 

Gun Sounds are in  EFBT.spr in the "C:/Program Files/SD Enternet/NavyFIELD/SPR" directory.

(Note if in a 64 bit OS and you did not manually change the path, it defaults to Program Files (x86) instead of Program Files)

The CXF files in the SOUND Directory are harbor and battle music. Renaming .WAV to .CXF and .CXF to .WAV to replace those files.

  • Re : Gun Sounds

    02. 26. 2014 11:33


Thanks for answer. i couldnt find SPRing tool. Can you provide me a link ?

  • Re : Gun Sounds

    02. 27. 2014 15:13


Originally Posted by PLEVNE

Thanks for answer. i couldnt find SPRing tool. Can you provide me a link ?

I don't have a link handy on me.

However I suggest checking the NFGP website (NavyField Graphics Project) 

  • Re : Gun Sounds

    02. 27. 2014 20:40


Hi. I am a bit of a NavyField modding expert.

.CXF files are really simple, you take an MP3 and change the file extension to .CXF. Easy. But the "SOUND" folder tricks you; background music is all that it contains.

Gun sounds are a bit more complex than the music sounds. Gun sounds are imbedded in .SPR files. The tool, SPRing, is capable of extracting and replacing these sounds (although it is not perfect, it gets the job done.) just like it can the graphics of NavyField. There are two SPR files that hold gun sounds, one is the file the game reads and the other one is just plain there. The active one is EFWPFT.spr; some sounds you will recognize in there will be fire_sma.wav (little DD and AA guns), 105MMCN1.wav (Mid-size CA and BB guns), 80MORT2..wav (Large AA bursts and big BB guns), and more. Another file which may interest you is EFBT.spr, which contains a large assortment of artillery fire and shell explosion noises as well as impacts and crashes. Other sound sprites are for the voiceovers, the aircraft, interface sounds, etc. Everything in NavyField that you hear is stored in a SPR file except the music.

The current version of SPRing is about 6.1; I have been updating it. While the core engine has not changed I modified the SPRInfo.txt so that SPRing can automatically find and read the new sprites (Does not work for everyone.) I established a newer, more active site modeled after the Navyfield Graphics Project at and there I am available through the forums. You can download SPRing 5.1 here.A text file which can update the program's browser (though you still need to manually navigate to your SPR folder at least once for it to work, or ensure NF is installed in its default location) can be downloaded here.

  • Re : Gun Sounds

    02. 28. 2014 08:16


Thanks again. I extracted it now i want to make it like a monty firing sound. So i need to make it sound 4-5 times in a .waw file . But how ?

  • Re : Gun Sounds

    02. 28. 2014 18:50


Originally Posted by PLEVNE

Thanks again. I extracted it now i want to make it like a monty firing sound. So i need to make it sound 4-5 times in a .waw file . But how ?

I don't quite understand what you want - do you mean you want it to play 4-5 times louder? Or 4-5 times longer?

When I was experimenting with SFX mods and packs I found that if the new file's size is not close to the original size, then the sound will not play in-game, even if it is written into the SPR file. I don't know if it's because of SPRing or if it's a game engine limitation.

Playing it louder, you'll want an audio editing software. Audacity is a great choice if you can learn how to use it. I barely understand it but it's enough for me to do sound edits for videos, mods, and Flash games.

  • Re : Gun Sounds

    03. 01. 2014 00:20


Actuall i will use it for my phone ring. So I need to play it louder like a full salvo. I'll take a look to that program.

  • Re : Gun Sounds

    10. 18. 2014 23:54


what is the total size file of navyfield?