HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Since both planeman and BO have high pot, can planeman take the place of BO on bbs with high level?

    03. 21. 2014 10:27

Recommend : 0


like ebb4 and ebb5.

Can planeman have a similar sight range as BO with the same level?
 Thanks for replies.


  • Too long subject

    03. 21. 2014 19:26


Planesman is not potential, it's air refil.

And you can't.

  • learn to BRIEF subject line

    03. 21. 2014 20:58


exactly as its name says - the stat is only "potential" when it is blank and unclassed

once you class it = the 'potential' becomes a specific skill .. it is now SPECIFIC to task

high pot sailors include :
BO .. sight line range etc
SONAR ... sonar ablility
PLANESMAN ... air supply
MEDIC ... crew death modifier
MARINE ... ha landing attack
*RADIOMAN ... *(not used = any junk stat will do)*

so - once you classed it planesman = you got AIR supply + and lost all the other options

a bo is a bo .. a planesman is a planesman .. they are differnt and NOT interchangeable

..... planesman =/= bo .......... sorry but NO ... a SS planesman does not equal a BB bo ..

but .. on the other hand .... your SS bo can drive the event ships (also the cv bo as well)

  • planesman-pot = BO-pot?

    03. 22. 2014 00:45


@redherrings: this is probably not entirely the case.

Putting each of my engineers in the BO slot of my H41 gives me all different guideline lengths - this means that the "potential" stat of engies at least is used by the game exactly the same way as for a BO.

  • Since both planeman and BO have high pot, can planeman take the place of BO on bbs wi...

    03. 22. 2014 09:49


really appreciate all the helpful answers. 

  • following question

    03. 22. 2014 10:08


Follow this question. My ss bo is almost empty and just has several rookies to save the weight. 

I am still leveling it up.The question is whether it is really necessary to put just a "light" BO on ss, or it is still ok to have some sailors, like 100 vets and 300 experts. Then I can use it for both ss and ebbs.  

This is my first ss line and I dont want to mess it up just because of a fat BO. 



  • Since both planeman and BO have high pot, can planeman take the place of BO on bbs wi...

    03. 23. 2014 04:48


i have usedsonar and planesman as BO's


try it.

  • planeman and sonar as BO

    03. 23. 2014 09:31


Do they give enough sight range?

  • about has a sonarman or planesman as BO on EBB ships

    03. 23. 2014 20:40


Originally Posted by whuvir888

Do they give enough sight range?

A boosted planesman EBVE near level 85 give enought potential ability, I'm leveling that crew on my EBB ships, they works extremely well, due that  above lvl 100 I need to remove some recruits due the guidelines are more larger than the guns range.

Well is a good tactic do that, but u need to remove a lot of recruits if the sailor (planesman or sonarman +15 of base for potential) has more than 150 vets above lvl 100, my best choice due the repair revision is has a seaman as BO on EBB ships, they give a good revision on repair (u can't see it on harbour but on battle is notorious the boost), if the seaman is a hero (+14 of potential) above lvl 100 u need remove a huge  number of recruits.  

  • ..

    03. 24. 2014 16:35


Originally Posted by whuvir888

Follow this question. My ss bo is almost empty and just has several rookies to save the weight. 

I am still leveling it up.The question is whether it is really necessary to put just a "light" BO on ss, or it is still ok to have some sailors, like 100 vets and 300 experts. Then I can use it for both ss and ebbs.  

This is my first ss line and I dont want to mess it up just because of a fat BO. 


What does a fat BO cause? 

__Eat all the food in the galley of course!

At low levels, it can make a difference, but every game a rookie can be converted to an expert.  With several caveats and exceptions, I recommend run max Vets/Experts/Rookies on all your sailors, including BO.  If you still have some room, add some armor.  You're going to need high level Engineers to overcome SS slow speed.  If you can't load all your sailors, drop some rookies where necessary.  If you want to reduce some rookies to pick up a knot, go for it.  Your Sonarman, Planesman and Engineers should be max everything; you can tweak your torps, gunner, and BO.  IMO, dump the repairman and develop an all engineer support crew.  By the time you're in the SS5.5; you'll be at 900 SD anyway and pull OH to the other side of the map and more.  If you have a gun, you'll need an at-level gunner to operate it; keep that gunner's weight very low, otherwise use the slot to up-level an extra engineer you're going to have a support slot on your next sub.

Not sure of your BO level, but I've found good use with the rep/rest and surface sight, your sonarman's ability will affect underwater sonar range.  Both are extremely important, as your enemy sees you before you see them and your gonna be on the receiving end of some torpedoes or a volley of shells before you see the enemy firing them. 

Do whatever you want. I prefer a good base of vets, experts and about 25 rookies on my BO.  

  • ss BO

    03. 25. 2014 09:49


Thank you so much, Ultra_D..

It is a really helpful suggestion.