HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • crash when playing after 1 hour afk

    03. 26. 2014 14:29



this goes on a while now(months). When I am afk for about one hour and then play a game, at the end of the game the client crashes very repeatly, I would say always. When the last ship is sunk and the victory/loose window should open, only a strange sound apears and the picture freezes. All I can do then is go to the task manager and end the program. This shouldnt happen.

Add this to your list of bugs....




  • Re : crash when playing after 1 hour afk

    03. 26. 2014 14:34


Could be a bug with the AFK kick feature I suppose. I guess you should relog before playing if you know you've been afk too long. Although really you shouldn't be going AFK for such a long time, that is why SDE tried to add the kick feature in the first place.

  • Re : crash when playing after 1 hour afk

    03. 27. 2014 03:19


Yes, this is the "kick feature" being broken. I have the same problem since it was introduced (nearly a year). It never kicks me, just makes my game crash after the next battle.

At first I had no idea why this happens and was extremely annoyed by the frequent crashes every day. Solution: never afk, always shut down the game if you're going away.

  • Re : crash when playing after 1 hour afk

    03. 28. 2014 18:00


We call it "The Angry Dolphin" bug.

  • Re : crash when playing after 1 hour afk

    08. 26. 2014 12:13


Relog doesnt help. Requires restart of the game. A very unfortunate thing. This working at all with someone? It is necessary to remove this "kicking" feature, it pure bug.