HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • Why is the client, updater, or the launcher having so many issues...

    07. 30. 2011 22:31

It seems every other week with a new patch the game stability goes to crap and every other week we have to unistal reinstall tweak this pray to that god, sacrifice  a chicken, and even then it doesnt work

So what is causing all this...

Recently the updater has been messing up and corrupting files, but why....I mean an updater is a simple thing...grab program a and apply to base c remove excess data and run checksum off updated values..

but why...?

with every patch a small flaw in the program seems to grow bigger and bigger, So rather then band aide patches for graphical issues that are minor at best could we please get a stich job on the program.


  • Re : Why is the client, updater, or the launcher having so many issues...

    10. 20. 2011 01:24

Sacrifice a chicken? I heard your supposed to sacrifice a goat. Perhaps that's why my updater is so fracked up.