HA Infomation



  • Double the reload time of smoke

    06. 14. 2014 02:08

Recommend : 2


Smoke used to be a Premium item, but during this event people got extremely high amounts of smoke. I got already more than 2.000 smokes myself. 

I already accepted the fact that some need smoke to win their game and that's fine by me, but it is very annoying that they can smoke so fast.

  • I have played battles where I was blind, because the enemy team smoked the entire game.  
  • I have played battles in my BB2 with at level crew where two enemy BB5s had to smoke versus me.
  • I have played battles blahblah 

I don't see the use of having a scout anymore and I understand that some rather play without one. You got a life time of smokes anyway.
My suggestion would be to double (, triple, etc would be better) the reload time of smoke, so that people, hopefully, also learn how to dodge, instead of only smoking. Things got out of hand now.

Greetz Joor 

P.S.: Searched for another topic about this in this section, but couldn't find any? 


  • Re : Double the smoke time

    06. 14. 2014 02:24


You need to be specific: double (or triple) smoke RELOAD time.

If not, people *might* misunderstand it to mean double the time the smoke is effective. :D

For doubling reload time, recommended.

  • Re : Double the reload time of smoke

    06. 14. 2014 02:28


Thanks! Haha not fully awake yet! :)

  • Re : Double the reload time of smoke

    06. 14. 2014 09:00


Presently I had the smoke reload increased from 20 seconds to 60 seconds a few months ago.

The problem is every noob who has no clue how to play the game has smoke at the moment. Not the reload of it.

They simply have no concept of how to use them, once 1 person pops one, they all do thinking its how they are suppose to be used (As the only real videos of smoke usage are HAs)

I might send a request to see if it can be capped to 2 per battle in regular GBs per player and 5 per player in harbor assaults. Don't get your hope up though. It took a lot of convincing to get that inital 20->60 second change a few months ago. I think I sent 30 odd emails until they finally agreed with with the numbers and changed the code. Remember it is a paid item. SDE is very reluctant to change anything that can be paid directly for it.

Its pay to win content, it has to remain somewhat useful or SDE won't change it.
My initial purposal I sent them a year ago called for 1 per GB and 2 per harbor assault tile, plus a 300 second reload. They didn't like that. 

  • Re : Double the reload time of smoke

    06. 14. 2014 09:29


Good man. Thanks norm.

I'm not surprised by SDE's reluctance. What they might want to bear in mind, though, it's better to sell smokes to more players that use them reasonably than to fewer players (because it makes others leave) that abuse them.

  • Re : Double the reload time of smoke

    06. 15. 2014 02:37


I understand SDE, they are a company and need profit. The problem is that when they give smoke away for free that people will use it a lot, it's free. It's not that they (some might) will buy it after they are out of smokes. They will just wait for a new event with free smokes. So if SDE keeps thinking like that I would like to suggest to not give away smokes during events...

Thanks for the effort Normpearii and I liked you initial purpose lol.