HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Restrictive Gaming

    07. 23. 2014 23:35


so iv been playing on off for a month or so. i had made my account a fair while before i played though.

my 1st impressions was that of the habour when you login was similar to facebook rts game so i couldnt get into it. after that a friend told me that was just the confusing intro to the game and that their was actualy some depth to the naval combat.

so iv be lvling up for a month on and off not really trying, than last week i decided i wanted a BB and i focused on the game. after i read the player guides for leveling i relaised that playing navyfield was an almost endless repetative chore. heres what i mean

you start with 2 gunner 2 aa gunner 1Bo 1 engine 1 restore 1 repair

your 1st ship has limited spaces. only about 4-5 i think so you cant level all your crew evenly without having 2 ships and purposly gettign sunk at various points duing a battle to make your exp match. or have 2 ships run at the same time, but than you need to replace crew your missing on each ship.

this works for a while but then. a battleship gerneraly has 5 ship slots 7-9 support slots so your going to have to level more crew up eventaly.

my point is its too time consuming and tedious to be a fun game.

im going to stop playing navyfield. i had fun in the battles, its a pretty fun game. however i cant waste so much time for so little reward.

if this problem were to be fixed this is how i would like it to go.

when you make a bridge operator have the ability to have a target ship in your chosen ship tree. and the target ship has x amount of crew. from your sailors have a game feature that can tag a saloir to a specific ship and have a ship training reserve that the left over saloirs can wait in and gain exp. llike a second row of crew slots that just holds the saloirs and gives them exp but dosnt offer any bonuses tot he ship. but have the system so the crew that have predetermined ships can only operate ships that the bridge operator of that crew is operating at that time. for eg. training super yamato you have 2 gunners 2 aa 1bo ont he ship and the support sailor sltos have a restore,repair and engine hwoever your target ship is a super yamato bb5 and you have 4 left over crew so you can either a. leave them in the harbour or b. put them in reserve where they will receive exp. however if you changed the bo to another bo all of the sailor automatical go to habour or reserve since the bo is no longer on the ship.

doing this saves the trouble of training a missmatch of crew and gives you more time to focus on your bridge operators, secondly the more crew you train effectently, the more bo and crew you need to boost or buy(eleite crew)

or the game could just increase all ships to have maxim crew slots of 5/10 even on noob frigates.

anyway farewell all.

p.s spell check in forum would also be nice i just typed this post up quik. to lazy to spell check it the long way.

p.p.s the lack of capitals in the login name creation is F#$%king annoying as hell. it also makes all the players look like rinky-dink gold boters.


  • Re : Restrictive Gaming

    07. 24. 2014 00:04


lol learn to spell best spell check

the game is actauly pretty simple and not as complicated as you make it out to be

theres a thing called ROTATION you level up 4-5 of your crew then switch them out with the other 4-5 and then less as you get more support slots...and guess what you end up at bb6 with a full crew 

also funny part is you claim you have no time to waste but wasted the time to post this post.. and referenced it being a facebook game which are good for nothing but people who have nothing but time so im going out on a limb here and saying you jus twant an easy button and are to used to games like warthunder or WoT and want everything handed to you because you cant be bothered to actauly try... again just a hunch

  • Re : Restrictive Gaming

    07. 24. 2014 00:14


you should have posted a question on how to level all 14 sailors of your bb line instead of posting this (whinning)...

actually you could level all 14 sailors (the # of sailors needed for the last bb in the ship line of each nation) with just 1 BO... all you have to do is to rotate it ( when a single sailor level up replace it to 1 of your sailor in your waiting list) but this will take time also

another way is having 2 BO and  another pair of gunners... both BO will have different bb line to take and its easy to level all your sailors (unfortunately IJN has only 1 line of bb it only split up between fuso and ise but return to nagato)

and all of the players here in nf started with the same as you do but instead of whining or ranting we just dig deeper for some guides and help 

  • Re : Restrictive Gaming

    07. 24. 2014 00:32


dunno whether this post was for real...but brings up a point I have always thought this game needs ...

something like  entry level fleets.....steady guys ..dont troll this yet..

which would be run by TNF or the old players with a teamspeak paid for by sde ...

the idea being to get new players through the learning process before they give up ..

I wouldnt allow these fleets to do HAs

fleets could easily be formed around language groups 
mentors could be paid in kind for time spent ..they would not have to leave their own fleet .

  • Re : Restrictive Gaming

    07. 24. 2014 01:53


Originally Posted by shackle

which would be run by TNF or the old players with a teamspeak paid for by sde ...

Some of the worst offenders are "old players" as I've seen plenty advise newbs to get 12AAW and good Aircraft stats for their fighter pilots...  But I do know what you mean - a group of reliable people who could patiently steer new players in the right direction.  Unfortunately new players tend to congregate around the loudest players who often have armored CAs with torps.

@ Hellion.  You would be advised to actually play through more than once.  Even if your full crew idea ever became a reality, you would find zero success in a BB.  While it might seem like a chore to level through more than once or be forced to play an AA CA etc to increase experts or even out some sailors - it's that practice and experience ~ the knowledge you gain about your own nation but more importantly about the other nations that help you become successful in this game.  Quickly getting to a higher tier BB won't make you successful at the game, it will just make you a liability to your team and the losses will stack up.  A lot of support ships are incredibly fun and some are annoying as hell to opposing players.  Players who take the time to learn and play mid tiers often turn out to be better than those who rush to get to a BB and later have to back track as their skill slowly catches up to their ship (if ever).

  • Re : Restrictive Gaming

    07. 24. 2014 17:49


I guess you should've consulted a friend of yours who have played this game for a while, so that you could spend less time doing the wrong things.

But but but... it's NOT so bad if you haven't started throwing large chunks of money into this game.

To answer your question of leveling up more sailors than there are support slots -

Rotating level-up is a viable option as mentioned by previous guys, but I would rather recommend you do this:

You are going to do leveling-up for several rounds, for sure, but in the first round, level up SUPPORT CREW, meaning Engineers and Repairers. Don't waste time on Restorer at all. Put 2 support crew in your T slots. So in BB3, you have 6 (for RN, 7) slots in support slots and 2 in T slots, a total of 8 support crew. They can be 6 engineers + 1 repairer + 1 scout.

When you reach BB5, you can put them all on your supplort slots. And it's now time to level up another pair of gunners for AA or HH, or whatever.

Now, with high-level support crew (mainly Engineers) you'll start to enjoy and appreciate the fun of this game.

  • Re : Restrictive Gaming

    07. 24. 2014 19:23


for a typical full crew for one nation ..

some people have as many as 4-5 BO's - at least one for each ship tree branch line
gunners would include 1pr MAIN GUNS + 1pr 2nd GUNS + 1pr AA GUNS + 1pr TORPERS
support crew is composed of at least 5-6 ENGR's + 3-4 REPS + 1-2 SEAMAN + 1 REST(?)
there are also such incidentials as .. 1-2 SONARMEN + 1 PLANESMAN + 1 (? MEDIC ? )
for pilots thats 1-2 SCOUTS for BB .. and for the CV is like + 4-6 FTRS + 2-4 TB + 2-4 DB

*this doesn't include special 'Harbor Assault only' crew like MARINES or PARATROOPERS 

  • Re : Restrictive Gaming

    07. 24. 2014 19:32


Not sure if trolling or anything. But seriously, about the slots, about the exp system, about the starting crew and do you have to swear on the last line of the sentence? The only bad thing about NF is very poor customer service and the crash&desyncs. Not to be harsh or anything but whinning about the current system? Hell, I spend weeks to get BB.Revenge on the "60% exp gain" old days and hell I didnt complain about it instead im more determine to get that line than to shout and do a public display of affection on the forums. And as for the other crew go roll them. Ive been started few years ago with a yellow Engy and turned it to Rep and still I have it until now as a fail trophy. And yeah when you are at it, if you cant do it atleast try to be patient and level up some stuff, good starting crew and how to level them up. If you are bothered by the next line of ship and its slot, like everyone said do a rotation of sailors to be leveled that way you will know your role as what your current ship can offer. Quit if you want, but some you guys were more lucky to have 100% as a normal exp(before 100% exp gain counted as prem whilst today 140% exp gain counted as prem). No one wants you to play hardcore, so if you think(or you do) 1 to 2 hours playing this game is a waste of time mind as well quit.

  • Re : Restrictive Gaming

    07. 25. 2014 04:07


the grind IS the game..

  • Re : Restrictive Gaming

    07. 25. 2014 04:20


Originally Posted by flaggelant

the grind IS the game..



If you don't like leveling, then the game is not for you, as this is 90% of the game.

Nothing more satisfying then getting to the next ship, if you can't find motivation to do this, please go play YuGiHo or something

  • Re : Restrictive Gaming

    07. 25. 2014 06:10


Yes!   You hit it.   The Grind is the game.

The object is to set a goal and work toward it.   

You need to lvl a sailor 4 lvls?   Put him on the appropriate ship and get after it.
You want  a CV?   You'll have a bunch of rookie pilots that will have to ride along
to make it to TB, DB, or F.   

And, if like me, you suddenly find u didn't do it right by having enough sailors to fill the necessary slots,  well grind away.    And while you are grinding, you'll gain enough credits to perhaps purchase a sailor from the trade area that will reduce your grinding time.

There are multiple goals in this game, from simple get a sailor to the next lvl, to some that take a looooong time such as trying to be in the top 50 players.    (The top SS killer has sunk something like 12,000 SS-that didn't happen overnight).   If he managed  to sink 1 SS per game as an average, that's 12000 games.   Accounting for time spent in waiting rooms and the battle itself,  say 10 minutes.   That 120000 minutes or about 2000 hours of grinding for sinking subs.

Of course, he may have sank more then 1 SS per game, but on the other hand, there are games with 1 or 2 subs or even none.  And, he could have been sunk before he sank an enemy sub.   So 2000 hours is just the tip of the iceburg.

This is not a push the button and you win or loose type game.  This one takes some thought, planning, and goal setting.  

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