HA Infomation



  • a variation of giving points as event drops or prizes

    10. 05. 2014 09:45

Recommend : 0


One of the standard event "prizes" is points.  These are added to
the sum total of the players points.  

How about a a drop/prize that allows you to apply the experience points
directly to a single sailor of choice?

I believe every player has a sailor or two that lags well behind the rest of the sailors in terms of experience.   This means the sailor often sets in HQ unused while the rest of the sailor advance to higher and higher lvls.   Or they player has to spend a great deal of time and effort trying to bring the lagging sailor up to the lvl of the rest of the sailors.   

By applying exp pts directly to a sailor, one can advance a lagging sailor to a higher lvl a little quicker.

I do not believe that the exp "prize" should be used for Bridge Ops.   Other limitations such as  maximum lvl  could be applied.

Finally, I don't belive the exp award should be extremely large but an amount suitable for such a "prize/award".   Perhaps different amounts such as 1000, 5000, and 10000 would be a starting point with occasional or very rare larger amounts awarded.

I would suspect that the coding for such a prize/award/drop would not be much different then the coding for drops of experts, vets, or any of the other drops.

I think this might make winning points a little more enticing then it is now.