HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • Indiana

    10. 13. 2014 23:20


Justt recieved my first EBB coupon ever...been playing since the beggining. Spent ungodly amounts of money here...but thats another story.

Imagine my excitement when recieving said coupon (that I earned by spending the olives like a shmuck) and being able to get my first new shiney all ellusive EBB...Was grinding US BB so figured what the heck, ill go for the next one in US tree...did a litlle research, not much on the indiana, so with much excitement and trepidation, clicked recieve ship...

Need I say more? I dont want to really I dont , But I have to ask Why in Gods name is this ship even apart of the game...let alone an EBB. Its slower than the sodak by atleast 9 knots uses the same guns...bonus for abit more dp that is negated by the hitbox...after the first battle i seriously wanted to cry...quite litteraly bang my head on the desk and start bawling like a scolded school girl.

Am I the biggest shlameel alive for getting this blasted ship???

I must say though on the flip side after spendind all those olives, rolling the dice a hundred time was kind of exciting.........................


  • Re : Indiana

    10. 13. 2014 23:26


each nation has its plums and duds in their respective EBB lines ...

plums for the US line are : .. maryland .. california .. maybe missouri .. and some say new york

  • Re : Indiana

    10. 14. 2014 00:01


As much as I understand the pain being felt, you really needed to do your research. You picked an almost universally panned ship, and now know why it gets the treatment it does. If you'd gotten, say, the Maryland, you'd be thinking quite differently. As the previous poster has said, every nation has good and bad EBBs, and you just have to research which is which. There are plenty of threads discussing EBBs, and just searching will show you a lot. Like, say this one:

  • Re : Indiana

    10. 14. 2014 14:39


Please, read any post about the Indiana written by myself or rehor before you decide on anything.

  • Re : Indiana

    10. 14. 2014 14:58


like the guy above me  said, read or search some topic about the ebb your getting or asking player ingame or observing them is a plus too

in the end its not NF fault if you get an EBB that isn't good, some ebbs are just good for collecting or just for fun play 

  • Re : Indiana

    10. 14. 2014 15:23


why why why?!!!! ugh.. you should of done some research man, plus why not a BB5.5 like the california?

  • Re : Indiana

    10. 16. 2014 12:12


Well to all those saying do your research. do your research...I did! I just didnt find much. I figured it was because it was new ship and not many had it yet...I never saw a single post saying The ship was garbage.


I simply asked why it was an event ship... not mulitple "why's" as mephi suggest.


The rest of the post was  to see if anyone had similar experiances, but mostly it was picking fun at my own costly and obsurd mistake...unlike some I am able pick of myself...most cant even understand this concept and are souch trolls that they need to bash someone doing it!


On another note,  is there ANY way to play this ship succesfully?

I have been trying to play it as I do my much SODAK, rushing in and getting a few hits and retreating, or getting within enemy range, waiting for them to fire and retreat and get them to chase ( demolishing them in the process). I usually get an avg 150k attack with these methods in SODAK, but in indiana it just doesnt work...I promptly die.


Ive tried staying on the line and picking  already engaged enemies but this isnt working either( not enough speed or range)


any suggestions?

  • Re : Indiana

    10. 16. 2014 14:50


Originally Posted by mobeus

Well to all those saying do your research. do your research...I did! I just didnt find much. I figured it was because it was new ship and not many had it yet...I never saw a single post saying The ship was garbage.


I simply asked why it was an event ship... not mulitple "why's" as mephi suggest.


The rest of the post was  to see if anyone had similar experiances, but mostly it was picking fun at my own costly and obsurd mistake...unlike some I am able pick of myself...most cant even understand this concept and are souch trolls that they need to bash someone doing it!


On another note,  is there ANY way to play this ship succesfully?

I have been trying to play it as I do my much SODAK, rushing in and getting a few hits and retreating, or getting within enemy range, waiting for them to fire and retreat and get them to chase ( demolishing them in the process). I usually get an avg 150k attack with these methods in SODAK, but in indiana it just doesnt work...I promptly die.


Ive tried staying on the line and picking  already engaged enemies but this isnt working either( not enough speed or range)


any suggestions?

You obviously didn't look hard enough.

The Indiana is a piece of crap. Avoid it. 

Every post about it by me and rehor state exactly that. 

  • Re : Indiana

    10. 16. 2014 14:54


Originally Posted by normpearii

Originally Posted by mobeus

Well to all those saying do your research. do your research...I did! I just didnt find much. I figured it was because it was new ship and not many had it yet...I never saw a single post saying The ship was garbage.


I simply asked why it was an event ship... not mulitple "why's" as mephi suggest.


The rest of the post was  to see if anyone had similar experiances, but mostly it was picking fun at my own costly and obsurd mistake...unlike some I am able pick of myself...most cant even understand this concept and are souch trolls that they need to bash someone doing it!


On another note,  is there ANY way to play this ship succesfully?

I have been trying to play it as I do my much SODAK, rushing in and getting a few hits and retreating, or getting within enemy range, waiting for them to fire and retreat and get them to chase ( demolishing them in the process). I usually get an avg 150k attack with these methods in SODAK, but in indiana it just doesnt work...I promptly die.


Ive tried staying on the line and picking  already engaged enemies but this isnt working either( not enough speed or range)


any suggestions?

You obviously didn't look hard enough.

The Indiana is a piece of crap. Avoid it. 

Every post about it by me and rehor state exactly that. 

Didnt see them...probably because i assumed used ggogle search tear "navvyfield indiana" always assumed googles search would be better than a forums search function. Apparently I was wrong. Thanks for the info.

  • Re : Indiana

    10. 19. 2014 09:58


Originally Posted by mobeus
Didnt see them...probably because i assumed used ggogle search tear "navvyfield indiana" always assumed googles search would be better than a forums search function. Apparently I was wrong. Thanks for the info.

I see. The main problem is a lack of understanding of Google's limitations. If we'd know about you using that, there might have been an explanation that Google does not provide every post in every forum. In fact, most of them it doesn't. Google, as with most search engines, only searches certain types of forum archives, and most forums I've known are actually not fully supported. As such, you should always use an in-forum search, on any forum. 

If you still find nothing, why not ask in a battle room while waiting for start? You'll generally get good answers, and there will usually be dead giveaways to the troll ones (like a chorus of "lol" responses).

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