HA Infomation



  • Artificial Intelligence Anti-air guns

    12. 07. 2014 02:14

Recommend : 0


Ingame a major fundamental flaw is that every ship control system is controlled by the player. The causes quite a few problems. One is that you cannot simultaneously control and fire Rslot and Tslot guns.

This is bad for most ships, but becomes a critical problem on Battleships. Most players dont even carry secondary weapons as a result. This leaves anti-aicraft protection up Carrier based Fighters and from Escorts. Escorts are player ships that can be AI controlled  as bodyguard ships for a credit fee.

The Escort option PROVES that there is Artificial Intelligence, and that the AI can use anti-aircraft guns. Why cant this be extended to letting the AI control your Secondary weapons?


  • Re : Artificial Intelligence Anti-air guns

    12. 07. 2014 10:40


The escort feature is interesting in that you can actually load up a combo AA and/or HE gun arrangement on a CL and it defend your ship from both planes and ships.   At any moment it can be firing all guns at several enemy targets, usually missing all of them.  No amount of high level gunners or gun type seems to help them.  As for artificial intelligence..they're pretty dumb.