HA Infomation

Imperial Japanese Navy


  • japan yamy range

    02. 03. 2015 05:27


So I have wondered for some time why the Yamato doesn't get the best range in this game? The Yamato had somewhere around 25 miles, if I remember right, to the Iowa at 18, if I remember right. I don't think the britts really had range in mind for their bbs they always went for close and kill. Germany didnt have the tech, at the time for thier bbs to get 16" guns so the bismarck made due with 15s. I dont know much about Italy and their gun ranges. Russia was pretty much outclassed by everyone in naval terms. The richi had good guns but I dont know their range. 

Im not saying Yamy needs a range buff, I just thought it was strange to give the yamy the less range but better aa. 


  • Re : japan yamy range

    02. 03. 2015 05:37


NF =/= RL

  • Re : japan yamy range

    02. 03. 2015 05:47



All im saying is why not? The balance could have been made. 


Also it would play a role in ship design as closer fighting ships would have more guns... and the ship atleast have some real life base.. well some of them..

  • Re : japan yamy range

    02. 03. 2015 07:09


SDE hate japan

  • Re : japan yamy range

    02. 03. 2015 07:21


Like Ericidle said. Have you ever done a decent hit max 45 on a BB? Use your AA to take the scout down and than the enemy.

  • Re : japan yamy range

    02. 03. 2015 08:04


Originally Posted by todo1130

SDE hate japan

Absolute and utter tosh.

Yamato and SY are two very strong ships that definitely hold their own in their respective tiers. I'd even say SY is very dangerous to BB6 because of its speed.

  • Re : japan yamy range

    02. 03. 2015 15:09


ijn was my first line in nf and it is still one of my favorites, sy was beast at gun and run and that aa will keep you safe from 3 cvs sending nothing but bombers your way. 

Im not complaining about the yamy range, just wondering what it would be like with more range and cut backs elsewhere to balance it. Again there isnt anything wrong with it. I was more looking to hear some others thoughts about the yamy. maybe offtopic would have been a better place for this? 

I was thinking along the lines of if i was going to make a ship game.... I would have a long range yamy with high damage but bad acc with slow ship speed and sub par aa with weak buldge and belt.

ps. all the ijn bbs are good didnt know how spoiled I was till km... yuck the ppro and opro still taste bad to me.