HA Infomation

Royal Navy


  • HMS HOOD help

    08. 09. 2011 18:24

ok so i have my hood, but im not sure what guns to use. any help? the 16s have the same range as the 14s so i dont know what set up i should run. any suggestions?


  • Re : HMS HOOD help

    08. 09. 2011 18:32

Use the 15" MKIIILs, range is about the only thing that will help you with that thing. If you get bored try front gunning the 14Ns, always good for a laugh, and sometimes a decent att.

  • Re : HMS HOOD help

    08. 09. 2011 20:10

get shiptree reset... challenge complete

  • Re : HMS HOOD help

    08. 09. 2011 21:41

As Dmcgill1 has already stated, the 15" 42 cal Mark III L's (2x15) are probably the best guns to use as they have the longest range out of all the guns available to the Hood.

The 16" 45 Mark I L's (3x16) are also a very solid option. You sacrifice a small amount of range and speed for increased power and shells in the air.

  • Re : HMS HOOD help

    08. 15. 2011 00:10

The Hood is rather imbalanced right now. I'd recommend putting on the 16's (heavier ones), recognize when the enemy is blind and rush in and do some damage. Reason being is because GB has tons of BB4+ and will range you (and your macroscopic hitbox) anyways with the 15's.

  • Re : HMS HOOD help

    08. 15. 2011 10:50

The intended guns for the Hood are the 15" Mk III L. However don't use those guns but the 15" Mk III N, they have the same range but are lighter, all the other options are just fun options.