HA Infomation



  • Change GB1 to same stats as GB2

    08. 11. 2011 18:08

Recommend : 1

I believe that the last patch intention was to reduce the amounts of ppl needed to faster the start of it, but what you did was 
force us  to go play GB1, now in order to do what u were intended to do (a lil bit confusing i hope u get it) "I think, i believe" that you should
put the same stats (18/6) of the gb2. that is IMO. Period. 


  • Re : Change GB1 to same stats as GB2

    08. 12. 2011 09:14

why? things are going great currently and the no flagship sunk warning is awesome

  • Re : Change GB1 to same stats as GB2

    08. 12. 2011 09:56

GBII in all honesty is a bugged game mode. Your flag could crash before the start, could DC ect.

The real change needed is GBIs to 20/8 not 20/6. Then a re-coding of GBII to vote for which CV to be flag then If the flag leaves for anything other than sinking and had more than 30% of their DP at the time, then a revote for a different CV unless none of left. After that they can bring it back to 20/8.

Not the mention the EXP for certain classes is set to Shared instead of Self. Horrible Credit and Point Gain and may more issues.

  • Re : Change GB1 to same stats as GB2

    08. 12. 2011 15:33

I couldnt agree more as to max bb and cv that is. I would say have them both at 20/8 rather though.