HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Old player considering returning to the game

    04. 07. 2016 11:32


Hello, I am a old player played back in 2008-2013 I found the game downloaded on my pc and figured id try it but before I bother logging in I was wondering how active this game is now. I know back in 2013 it started losing quite a few players and battles were very few depending on the day. 

Also hows the overall gameplay is it really buggy now or have they been fixing game bugs?  Also hows the HA's last i remember there was alot of bugs in HAs that caused crashes,desyncs etc. 

And how many active fleets are there and hows the economy such as crews being sold etc last time i played the trade area was completely empty and finding decent crews on the trade tab was hard unless you had a TON of credits.  


  • Re : Old player considering returning to the game

    04. 07. 2016 12:39



same old same old bro still alive but struggling for 2-3 rooms none event days

still some large fleets around and crash etc. same as ever .

welcome back buddy

  • Re : Old player considering returning to the game

    04. 07. 2016 12:47


Hey piombo glad to see your around still. I logged on for a little bit unfortunately i got no crews for some reason so gonna try getting them back if im able too. I noticed there wasnt many battles but ill probably see you at some point ingame . 

  • Re : Old player considering returning to the game

    04. 07. 2016 13:22


Originally Posted by frijoles

...I logged on for a little bit unfortunately i got no crews for some reason so gonna try getting them back if im able too...

Hola frijoles, suerte en el regreso, y lamento informarte que las cuentas luego de 2 años de inactividad son "limpiadas" y sin derecho a reclamos. Cualquier ticket que envies te lo van a borrar, o contestarte eso.
Cualquier ayuda que necesites, buscame en el juego, que yo tambien perdi mis cosas y de a poco pude recuperarme.

Un cordial abrazo.



De todos modos, si no me encuentras en linea, deja mensaje que te contestaré a la brevedad. 

  • Re : Old player considering returning to the game

    04. 08. 2016 13:13


I wouldnt pay to play any more , not worth it , not much longer before game closes ...
They cant keep up the server with only 60-70 players  ...

If only the would do something about it apart from banning people from the forums for saying/asking such questions..

No In game help
No support ticket help
No game fixes

I know my brother sent ticket about an issue , they never reply back so he posted on the forums why no help and all they did was bann him from the forums till 2025 ..
hahahaha  good job bob ^^ 

  • Re : Old player considering returning to the game

    04. 08. 2016 16:07


Not worth the bother mate. Arrogant mods have pretty well taken care of destroying what little was left of the player base/game. It was fun for several years but gone the way of the dinosaurs now.

  • Re : Old player considering returning to the game

    04. 09. 2016 12:56


im fucked

  • Re : Old player considering returning to the game

    04. 10. 2016 00:49


i hope they will remove IP blocked Rule, so that some former players , avid fans of this game can play again. thank you

  • Re : Old player considering returning to the game

    04. 10. 2016 01:53


I really love this game, but what is happening it's kinda sad. A decade gone by, we still have that hunger for this epic game. If only we could go back to the good old days, damn. 

  • Re : Old player considering returning to the game

    04. 11. 2016 10:20


Es una pena , tanto tiempo jugandolo y que se haga hasta lo imposible para destruirlo,ojala tomen conciencia que hay muchos que entramos casi todos los dias a ver y esperar ...y no se ve movimiento ,todos esperan eventos y ahi como por arte de magia aparecemos... fijense en la politica del juego que esta fallando y mucho nota que la poca idea de atraer a mas gente se les hace dificil por el motivo de que hay actualmente juegos que atraen mucho mas , esto historicamente fue  asi no hay nada nuevo , pero nosotros los dinosaurios como nombro alguien por ahi. seguimos firmes aunque con algunos descansos.

Esperemos otra vez levantralo , yo trato de invitar a amigos y conocidos al juego, pero se torna inutil, porque no hay con quien jugarlo. eso imprediona a cualquier persona nueva,por mas que uno le diga que es un juego "fantastico". no hay caso . si no cambian la politica actual que es contraproducente para que la gente nueva o antigua regrese , esto no funciona y no estoy hablando de que nos tienen que regalar nada sino ser mas flexibles nada mas.

No creo que volvamos a lo de los comienzos pero si al menos pudiesemos ser un 40% de los que eramos ufffff que bueno seria eso !

Invito a todos que ayudemos y no pensemos mucho en los Jefes del juego ,sino en nosotros y apoyemos ,ayudemos ,invitemos a nuevas personas y creo que asi lo levantaremos, eso si... necesitamos el apoyo de los "Jefes", no tantas trabas de cuentas y la forma de ignorar los tickets .esperandolos y no tener respuesta .. en mi caso jamas paso eso , siempre me respondieron. nunca perdi nada,tampoco jamas nadie uso mi cuenta,es por eso tambien que la conservo.

bueno en realidad ya sabemos talvez, como cada uno de nosotros podemos cooperar en levantar esto que al parecer y quiero creerlo ... esta "dormido"

                                                                                                          Saludos Oscar 

  • Re : Old player considering returning to the game

    04. 11. 2016 23:34


It's a shame, playing it so long and done the impossible to destroy, hopefully aware that there are many who walked almost every day to watch and wait ... and no movement is, everyone expects there as events and art fijense magic ... we appear in the political game that is failing and much ..the note that little idea of ??attracting more people find it difficult for the reason that there is currently attracting a lot more games, this was historically so there is nothing new, but we named dinosaurs as anyone out there. remain firm although with some breaks. Hopefully I levantralo again, I try to invite friends and acquaintances to play, but becomes useless, because there is no one to play. imprediona that any new person, even one says it is a "fantastic" game. There is no case . if not change the current policy is counterproductive for the new or old people return, this does not work and I'm not talking about that we have to give anything but be more flexible nothing more. I do not think back to the early days but at least we could be 40% of that we were ufffff it would be good that! I invite all of us to help and we do not think much in the Heads of the game, but in us and we support, we help, we invite new people and I think it will rise so, that if ... we need the support of the "Bosses", not many locks accounts and how to ignore the .esperandolos tickets and have no answer .. in my case never happened that, always answered me. never lost anything, either one you never use my account, it is also why I keep it. well actually we know perhaps, as each of us can cooperate in raising this apparently and I want to believe ... this "asleep" greetings Oscar

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