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General Discussion


  • Player should play

    12. 04. 2016 20:28


Hello everybody i hope lots of players read this post because i wanna say something, we are all saying about the game is dead, but so many players are playing others game  so i invite you all to come back and play togheter like years ago, we are so many players in this game and i dont believe only 50 people can play everyday, then why dont you play once per week? or twice per week?? come on guys open the account kill any ships and lets enjoy this game like old times ! i hope see you all in any room !! god bless you all !


  • Re : Player should play

    12. 04. 2016 22:14


IMHO. It probably is possible only in that case when this Game again becomes family entertainment! And how about that what to play with friends not only houses but also in any other convenient place? That players would return it is necessary to lift these limits and to return them the banned accounts.

  • Re : Player should play

    12. 05. 2016 00:48


My problem
1 single ip is the main problem was logon @office so i cant' play from home
2 multiple account restrict ( 3 accounts with different nation) = can't play
3 massive ban account, so people cant play they account anymore

soo if i want to keep my accounts = don't play

  • Re : Player should play

    12. 05. 2016 02:36


iCHY..I would love to play this game again..but the way we were treated by the current owners was beyond forgiveness..they took our money ..they abused long term loyal why the hell would we go back to an abusive relationship?


  • Re : Player should play

    12. 05. 2016 17:07


ok shackle nice to see in the forum long time no see you bro ! well yeah thats true about banned accounts but we have new GMs and they are really good persons now, they are giving back the accounts and yes thats true about rules maybe if we can talk with GMs and they accept it can be great because i know lots of players of philipphines were banned because multi account... so lets try to come back guys we are few players but still runing GBs if you all come back we can make bigger this game ! so please lets try lets talk lets do it !! i know people still playing since 2006 !!! we can do it guys !please GMs we need your help if you all wanna see this game live again !!! lets us play without that muchr rules ! its true so many people play in house, office, mother house... let us play and get full GBs again !! Thanks everybody !

  • Re : Player should play

    12. 05. 2016 20:11

Yes! The is good for bondings, friends and families. Yes! In the Philippines there are lot of people loyal in this Game. But still they are banned because of multiple accounts.. We all know that people in the Philippines playing this game. Played in internet cafe, that's the only way people who can't Buy personal computer. I, myself played also in internet cafe. Lots of my friends got banned... But they. Played almost 10 yrs.... And in one single rule breaking In the sense of multiple accounts.. They got banned Hope GM had excemption. For those who played In cafe shop.

  • Re : Player should play

    12. 05. 2016 23:07


If the GMs will remove my IP from the banned lists first.

  • Re : Player should play

    12. 06. 2016 08:14


well i notice you GMs are giving back accounts ! so lets retake this game just send a ticket to unban your account ! do it and i hope see you in the GB ! magbanua tell to ur friends to send a ticket 

  • Re : Player should play

    12. 06. 2016 12:32


we have been used and abused, banned without any reason, coping with crahes, lags and the rest of it. paying subscriptions into the shoebox without any minimal improvement in the playing conditions, even the ranking is broken from one week to the other. do they expect us to go cycling with the hamsters? will they remove the shit mods?


  • Re : Player should play

    12. 06. 2016 15:39


Estimado Icha.
Algo que te olvidas es que muchos de los jugadores también son latinos o europeos y no necesariamente de entienden el ingles y poco o nada pueden comprender lo que bien quieres hacer. Como sugerencia puedes escribirlo en diferentes idiomas asi puedes obtener muchas más respuestas.
Muy aparte de las trabas que han puesto, en la actualidad no existe evento que llame la atención o atraiga a los antiguos usuarios.
Esperemos que el evento venidero, si lo hay, pueda lograr eso como los eventos de antaño.
Saludos amigos del NF

Dorogoy Icha.
To, chto vy zabyli, chto mnogiye iz igrokov takzhe yevropeyskikh i latino ili ne obyazatel'no ponimat' malo ili voobshche ne angliyskiy i mozhet ponyat', chto vy khotite delat' khorosho. V kachestve predlozheniya vy mozhete napisat' na raznykh yazykakh, tak chto vy mozhete poluchit' mnogo bol'she otvetov.
Sovershenno nezavisimo ot prepyatstviy, kotoryye v nastoyashcheye vremya ne sushchestvuyet sobytiye, kotoroye privlekayet k sebe vnimaniye ili privlech' pozhilykh pol'zovateley.
Budem nadeyat'sya, chto predstoyashcheye meropriyatiye, yesli takovyye imeyutsya, mozhno dobit'sya, chto kak sobytiya proshlykh let.
Privet druz'ya NF


Dear Icha.

Something you forget is that many of the players are also Latin or European and not necessarily understand English and little or nothing can understand what you want to do. As a suggestion you can write it in different languages so you can get many more answers.

Quite apart from the obstacles they have put, at present there is no event that attracts attention or attracts old users.

Hopefully the upcoming event, if there is one, can accomplish that like the events of yesteryear.

Greetings NF friends



Lieber Icha.

Etwas, das Sie vergessen, ist, dass viele der Spieler sind auch europäische und Latino oder nicht unbedingt wenig oder gar kein Englisch verstehen und wissen, was Sie gut machen wollen. Als Anregung können Sie in verschiedenen Sprachen schreiben, so dass Sie viele weitere Antworten zu bekommen.

Ganz abgesehen von den Hindernissen, die gegenwärtig haben, gibt es keinen Fall, der Aufmerksamkeit erregt oder ältere Nutzer zu gewinnen.

Hoffentlich wird das bevorstehende Ereignis, falls vorhanden, kann diese wie die Ereignisse des vergangenen Jahres erreichen.

Grüße Freunde des NF



Caro Icha.

Qualcosa che si dimentica è che molti dei giocatori sono anche europeo e latino o non necessariamente capire poco o nessun inglese e in grado di capire che cosa si vuole fare bene. Come suggerimento è possibile scrivere in lingue diverse in modo da poter ottenere molte più risposte.

A parte gli ostacoli che hanno, al momento non vi è alcun evento che attira l'attenzione o attirare gli utenti più anziani.

Speriamo che il prossimo evento, se del caso, può realizzare che come gli eventi del passato.

Saluti amici del NF


  • Re : Player should play

    12. 06. 2016 17:58


muy bien aporte barry de verdad tienes razon !! ok guys well how i said ! no anymore old mods here !!! just check the Team NF  no more mods so send a ticket to recover your account !! i know GMs was abusing of all us ! but we have new GMs and they look good person so come back play again come on !!! just send a ticket and they gonna lift your account ! thanks for all!

Para los usuarios que hablas español, les comento que los GMs estan soltando las cuentas baneadas aprovechen y manden su respectivo ticket para recuperar la cuenta, en dado caso de que tu IP este baneado YO aconsejo que creen una cuenta (si su cuenta original no abre) para mandar un ticket solicitando liberar su cuenta original NO HAY MAS MODERADORES ! todos los GMs son nuevos ! aprovechemos de comenzar desde cero ! vamos que si se puede solo nosotro podemos recuperar el juego que mas nos gusta !

Bless for all ! 

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