HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Suggestion on HQ

    03. 15. 2017 01:14


Please nf can you please make HQ storage more organized? Adding a nations tabs on the hq will help us find sailors easier and faster without spending 1-5 minutes looking for the crews especially for people who have more than 100+ sailors on their hq. This would be an awesome feature to be added. so please make HQ storage easier for us to find sailors and crews. 


  • Re : Suggestion on HQ

    03. 15. 2017 10:56

That's a good suggestion, definitely in our future plan but not right now. There are many more high priority task at the moment. Thank you for the opinion. 

  • Re : Suggestion on HQ

    03. 15. 2017 22:00


cool thanks :D 

  • Re : Suggestion on HQ

    03. 16. 2017 03:31


Hi Aletadik!.

I do have a little tip for this one. I have pages 1 to 5 for low level sailors (the Hired on 1st), page 6 UK BB & SS crews, 7 for UK CV. 8 USN BB & SS, 9 USN CV...

It's just about a little time to organize your sailors. Just spend 30 mins one day, and since then, i keep them on this order. Hope it can help you! :)

Best regards!.
