HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • My question for the GM or someone who can answer

    07. 24. 2017 11:47


Until when it will be the problem of the lag that can not play well every day is impossible to play so ....... they want people or do not want people ???


  • Re : My question for the GM or someone who can answer

    07. 25. 2017 05:37


Humm comfy seat - check

Drink - check

Grabs popcorn...

  • Re : My question for the GM or someone who can answer

    07. 25. 2017 19:32

Could you let us know your location?

Also what is your latency in battle?

That would be helpful for checking the lag issue.



  • Re : My question for the GM or someone who can answer

    07. 26. 2017 01:40


Would also be good for you to do a ping, tracert and a traceroute to the NF Game Server and the NF Update Server then paste the results.

Then someone at SDE / TNF who knows how to use the correct tools .....

Will be able to diagonose the route patch, IP and latency for your connection to the server.

It would also be helpful to them if you post the exact time/date you are accessing the server so they can look at the metrics of the server load and data stream flow at that time......

I would post the IP's of the Game server and the Update server but this just results in a deleted post and the usual warning.....






  • Re : My question for the GM or someone who can answer

    07. 26. 2017 02:10


Since today morning (Germany) the game is unplayable for me.

Lags, lags, lags - no control about everything.

  • Re : My question for the GM or someone who can answer

    07. 26. 2017 10:35



Could you let us know your location?

Also what is your latency in battle?

That would be helpful for checking the lag issue.


Venezuela impossible to play marine very unstable out of control, error for HQ only happens with this game of truth .... and I believe that I am not the only one who complains about then there is no solution for this ?????

  • Re : My question for the GM or someone who can answer

    07. 29. 2017 12:55


while we are gripping a little I must express some Fustriation that before I had pretty good connection with only some lag but shortly before the event started I've been experience freezes in every game and half the time the server will just disconnect me mid game. 

I'm East Coast United States region wise and I hope some fine tuning can be done.

  • Re : My question for the GM or someone who can answer

    07. 30. 2017 12:56


East coast and lagging? I am in Pa and have no issues.

  • Re : My question for the GM or someone who can answer

    07. 30. 2017 21:09

We are planning to move IDC to Virginia (East US) soon.

I hope the lag issue will be solved with new IDC.
