HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • What's the role of a CV? Is that right?

    08. 17. 2017 02:50


 I've finally realized the importance of scout/lights after playing the nelson, or even the importance of a good CV in that matter. Based on my observation for the past days, I think a CV should be using their fts to either provide lights or cover for the BBs in order to gain advantage, and only then they should start boming. Am I correct?

 Though, It seems like the reality is the complete opposite of my assumption. It's not a rare sight to see CV players that go with nothing but DB/TB. Especially, when I see a few individuals(no hard feelings)who runs that specifically setup, I could normally predict the outcome, knowing that we're gonna lose, because It's almost always gonna be like we're completely blinded, then over 3/4 of the BBs will be bombed to death. 

 It's very confusing to me as I feel very useless without the help of air cover, I'm basically a free meat, and could only pop smoke or dodge for so many times. Maybe the same goes for the team BBs(even the BB5/6) too, as they keep blind shooting as much as they could before getting bombed. 

Well.. I'm still pretty new here, so who am I to judge,right? Am I missing something here?


  • Re : What's the role of a CV? Is that right?

    08. 17. 2017 07:39


I do admit whenever I see a TB/DB only Malta project or some other CV5/6 I wince in pain because I know if there is no other Fighter oriented CV then the team will have a rough time. On the flipside if a CV goes FW only and the BB find their aim lacking than that CV is also dead in the water.

Everyone is free to own playstyle of course but my personal opinion has always been that a CV should have one compartment of fighters and one compartment of Bombers best suited to their nation.  A well balanced CV will survive Navyfield's balancing algrithoms.

along those lines it would be nice if our BBs and CVs will be more willing to communicate with each other on what they need but in public games we know that won't happen.

this simple fact is true though: if there is no fighter cover to protect BB scouts, if no one is willing to micro their scouts/fighters to avoid AA fire, than BBs will not be able to fight effectively and the usually chat talk of "noob Cv noob Bb" that goes on. That and Sailorboy082 always driving face first into the enemy battle line to die and using his macros are the constants of GB.

  • Re : What's the role of a CV? Is that right?

    08. 17. 2017 07:54


You're opening a real can of worms here.
This has been an age old debate in this game. You will find many posts about it.

My opinion is the same as yours. First off sight is of upmost importance to your team. Yes BB's can scout and should pay attention to their scouts more closely. This does not excuse a cv from providing sight though. All it takes is one good cv to eliminate BB scouts that are not being micro managed as is the case of most bb players and their scouts. 

Lately it has been a bit of a lame playing experience. The few players left have to play against certain players who insist on continuing to play their BB6 and CV6 thinking they are the cats meow while really they are ruining the game experience for others. I, myself, enjoy the challenge of taking out a BB6 any chance I get but most players haven't the experience nor knowledge to do this.

Back to the original point though I think the biggest problem is their is no incentive to go out there and provide sight all game for your team and win the battle but then get little reward for doing so. That and the fun in bombing out weighs the fun in scouting by miles.
Not sure there is any fix for this other than trying to promote better team play. There is still a need for bombers, don't get me wrong. People just have to be more smart about it.


  • Re : What's the role of a CV? Is that right?

    08. 17. 2017 09:25

I believe you all have a valid point but honestly you can't base the cvs ability to scout based on if it isn't ftw because that's not entirely accurate. Me being someone who runs pretty much only cvs despite having everything I have over the years realized the best setups for my play style. If I run DBW/TBw I also have a 120 scout.... granted not all have high lvl scouts so this won't work for them... but when I run ftw I also have a scout in. I scout with the scout and kill enemy scouts/fighters. I don't believe it's entirely the cvs fault sometimes as BBs nowadays have horrible timing as far as being aggressive goes as they always seem to wait for the scout and fighters to die then rush... makes no logical or tactical sense but w/e. BBs don't know how to macro there scouts so they'll put them over the aa ship and cry when they die.

  • Re : What's the role of a CV? Is that right?

    08. 17. 2017 12:43



There is a 50/50 chance to win. It's also called gambling.

50/50, that's not acceptable in the sense of a victory.



A FCV, in hand of a skilled player, can take a BCV from the game, completely.
On their way to the BCV, fighters shoot down some scouts and give vision on their flightpath above enemy BBs.

Advantage: FCV. All other discussions are irrelevant.

Only problem: good FCV commander are rare. Too much value is attached to the fighters themselves.

  • Re : What's the role of a CV? Is that right?

    08. 17. 2017 13:13




seeing the "famous" cv7 starting 8 ftr planes with 1 comment....ok ;-)

better go bombing, folks ;-)


you all forget 1 point in this old discussion:

in HA FW dominates most times, light is are right , cv is for light (and cover) :-))



in GB the players level THEIR crew, no its not said that on that cv always only cv crew is leveled...

*some people level their ss or engies for bb on cv. on the way using TB or DB , because these are cheap, need "no" experts/vets in comparison to fighters to be useable.

*or bombing just for fun, its "more relaxing" than skilled FCV

*or need bw cv for HA...where should they level them?

i have seen many battles with 2 or 3 bw as win, if they work together and/or the opponent sleeps well ;.-)

and if the BB dont do their job despite light-around-the-clock - what do you do with your fw cv? kamikaze?

all ways work in some way, if proper used...

but one should always be the golden rule:

no team - no win

no win - no xp


  • Re : What's the role of a CV? Is that right?

    08. 17. 2017 14:12


yes yes i know...i never run cv.  BUT i have every nation at cv4(on both lines, if applicable) with all lvl 80 or up pilots.  for km i also have aCV6 crew waiting on a BO(1.7 more levels, AXIS sailor classed BO).

the setup i use with 8 max pilots per cv, is 6 fp, 2b/tps, a 3:1 ratio.  for plane production, i create a 4:1 ratio, for example 80/20 , 60/15 , 75/18...extra air points always go to fighter plane stock, balance to fit total air points.

i vary my launching patterns, but always get full fighters up first to cover a specific area(N,S,E, W).  heres the thing..... i set fighters(and scouts) to NO RETURN, doubling their flight time in field. i have never run out of fighters since i hit CV3 in any nation.

bombers are used sporadically as the game progresses, but always witha a NON-RETURNING fighter escort left to scout.  mostly i bomb for fun and giggles, but sometimes they actually help.  now if all BBs sink, i can still kinda defend myself or possibly even win with those same bombers. 

yes CV4 lvl 80 planes often just get munched...can't be helped...but i have never been the target of  "noob cvs"  "blind" when i have cv'd.  producing next flight immediately after initial targeting has them getting ready and often 2X number of planes  in air for 50% of the time.

a small trick for young cvers:  local fighters set on NO RETURN(2X flight time), watch for incoming flights, esp scouts or bombers , time your launches, hit them just before>just after battle line.
almost always a guaranteed  slaughter before your locals crash.

my oppinion and i am sticking to it. 

  • Re : What's the role of a CV? Is that right?

    08. 17. 2017 20:34


There are no skilled BB players left.

If you are running fighter only set-up, you're doing it wrong.

Most games have to be won with bombers.

  • Re : What's the role of a CV? Is that right?

    08. 18. 2017 07:33


For correct team play:

Ftrs and scouts first.

If there are enough good cv's with that set up then an accompanying BW, could chnage the outcome.



Hello NF

  • Re : What's the role of a CV? Is that right?

    08. 18. 2017 11:29


I highly recommend the new mode of great battles including CVs without fighters. Then everyone will have nothing to complaine.